Week 5 – Season of Creation Advocacy

Last week in the midst of my urban habitat I enjoyed a labyrinth walk. We don’t always have to seek wilderness to experience holy nature in our daily lives; yet it does help to take time to appreciate creation wherever we can find it so that we can muster spiritual energy for the good work of creation … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon, Sept. 26

September 26, 2021Welcome AllPenelope Bridges Once again our lectionary gives us just a tantalizing snippet of a Bible story that deserves to be more fully known. Today we hear extracts from the end of the story of Esther. This is a book of the Bible that doesn’t explicitly mention God, and for that reason, like … READ MORE…

Pet Memorial & Blessing of the Animals

Saint Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan Order of Friars, has been called the most admired and least imitated of all the saints for his passion and determination to follow Jesus’ teachings. He was an Italian Catholic friar in the early 13th century whose love for nature and animals became the stuff of legend. … READ MORE…

Week 4 – Season of Creation Advocacy

These days the news is filled with crucial events that are critical to God’s creation. The best news of all is that we can take these simple steps to advocate for policies that can have a real impact on the climate crisis.   Will you to take one step further in advocating for Creation by … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Celebrating the Saints

Hello St. Paul’s, Those of us who say Morning or Evening Prayer know that on most days the Episcopal Church recognizes someone who has contributed in significant ways to the spread of the Gospel or the betterment of humanity. You can call these people saints, but we stopped putting “Saint” in front of their names … READ MORE…

Week 3 – Season of Creation Advocacy

We ask you to act on this very specific advocacy opportunity calling to support the strengthening of the CAL Green Building Code for 2023-2025 for electric vehicle plug in accessibility for all.  Especially as the cost of electric vehicles comes down, more people will be able to further decrease their carbon footprint in a significant … READ MORE…

Week 2 – Season of Creation Advocacy

Essential news from the Episcopal Church USA: For the first time, the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion have jointly warned of the urgency of environmental sustainability, its impact on poverty, and the importance of global cooperation. Click Here to read more By now many of us … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Outreach Center Update

Hello St. Paul’s, As you know, we began a listening process last spring to hear from all of you about some ideas for expanding our ministries of music and outreach. We hired consultants to guide the process and in July they presented us with their report. The next step in this process will be to … READ MORE…

Week 1 – Season of Creation Advocacy Action!

We begin with a call to advocacy from the Episcopal Public Policy Network supporting legislation that commits to reaching net-zero climate pollution in the electricity sector by 2035 and economy-wide by 2050 and that equitably addresses impacts of the climate crisis. Click Here to take action on the Episcopal Church’s Site

The Sunday Sermon: God’s Creation, God’s Justice

September 5, 2021 The Very Rev. Penny Bridges The Episcopal Church offers an option for churches to observe a short Season of Creation in the early fall, and today we begin that season. We aren’t deviating from the regular Scripture readings, but we have special prayers and a blessing for the season. So, one of … READ MORE…