Simpler Living: A Prayer for the Season

Prayer: God of light, the daylight shortens as the winter solstice approaches. We await the coming of the Savior whose light will never darken. Grant us during this Advent and winter nourishing rains and peaceful snowfalls to replenish the earth’s aquifers, lakes and rivers. Restore the land so it will produce bountiful harvests for all … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: 2nd Sunday of Advent 2021

December 5 2021,The Second Sunday of AdventPenelope Bridges Our King and Savior now draws near. Come, let us adore him. He was an old man. Year after year, he and his wife lived faithfully and prayed for the blessing of children. He took his turn as a priest serving in the temple, did all that … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Vestment Guide

Hello St. Paul’s, Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent, the first season of the church year, as we once again begin the cycle that takes us through the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, through Pentecost, with the second half of the year focusing on the teachings of Jesus. You’ve probably noticed … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Rethinking Apocalypses

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego11/28/2021 Good morning, and a happy church new year! This is the first day of the church’s new cycle of readings through scripture, as Penny described in her sermon last Sunday. For those who aren’t familiar, we are now in the season of Advent, a period of a … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Starting with Stones Upturned

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego11/14/2021             Good morning! I am humbled to join you all today, and I want to thank Dean Penny and all who have welcomed me into the life of St. Paul’s Cathedral. This week was a bit of a start-stop week for me, as I began to take … READ MORE…

Thanksgiving Day Sermon: Gratitude is greater than Control

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego11/25/2021 “Gratitude is greater than Control“ Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving! I cannot imagine a more ironic opening to a gospel on Thanksgiving Day than this one: “I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Thanksgiving

Hello St. Paul’s, Maybe you are seeing this on Thanksgiving Day, in which case Happy Thanksgiving! At a recent Morning Prayer Zoom, we somehow got onto the topic of holiday shopping – I think it came from a discussion of what the verse in the first letter of Peter meant: “Do not be conformed to … READ MORE…

2021 Alternative Gift Expo

Some of you have been asking about our annual Alternative Gift Expo.  We will be postponing our in-person event, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on fair trade gifts this year!  Below is a list of our typical vendors, some have provided discount codes: Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)Episcopal Relief and Development … READ MORE…

We’re Not Buying It! And a prayer for all seasons

In a strange way, our culture of acquisition provides us with a helpful red (or shall we say black) flag to consider living more simply in this climate emergency. We are all aware of stores that decorate for Christmas even before Halloween.  Then there’s the ubiquitous Black Friday “holiday.”  Here’s an article that reminds us … READ MORE…