Christmas Day Sermon: Love Reshapes the Cosmos

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral. San Diego12/25/2021 Love Reshapes the Cosmos Merry Christmas! It is wonderful to celebrate with you all this morning. Whenever I think about this passage from John two things stick out to me: first, the light and life part, and how long it’s been since I last considered getting the … READ MORE…

Christmas Eve Sermon: Disappointment Transformed

Christmas Eve 2021Penelope BridgesDisappointment Transformed Alleluia, unto us a child is born. O come, let us adore him. Alleluia. It is so good to be back in church this Christmas, to gather together for our celebration, to welcome the Christ child into the world again as a community. We have longed for this. Last year … READ MORE…

Living the Change

From our Simpler Living Ministry GreenFaith, the global climate justice organization that brought us Faiths 4 Climate Justice, invites us to step up our walk as we talk about the climate emergency. While individual behavior change by itself can’t save the planet – massive corporations, uncooperative governments, and greedy banks impede progress on climate justice … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Unwrapped Package of Advent

December 19, 2021, Fourth Sunday of AdventPenelope BridgesThe Unwrapped Package of Advent Last week I spent a few days in Washington DC, making the acquaintance of my new grandson. Each day I watched my son and daughter in law bring in packages from the porch, as they prepared for baby’s first Christmas. Cookies were cooling … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: From Vipers to Fields of Fruit

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego12/12/2021 “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruits worthy of repentance.” John the Baptizer’s pronouncement is not typically how we greet folks at church these days. Certainly, it’s not how your newly minted Associate for Congregational Life, moi, would … READ MORE…

A Christmas Prayer From Simpler Living

Generous God, you have bestowed on us grace upon grace through our Savior Jesus Christ. We have been created to live in mutual interdependence with all creatures on your beloved earth. Show us how to live sustainably so that all beings are able to live with sufficiency.From Web of Creation  Take action: As we celebrate God’s … READ MORE…

A Letter From Richard

I once saw a children’s sermon where the preacher reminded us that we are all “under new construction” by God. These past 22 months felt nothing like planned construction, and yet God was able to build new relationships. I witnessed this most powerfully through a ministry I started at St. Andrew’s in Encinitas that I … READ MORE…

This week, Green Your Meal!

From our Simpler Living Ministry This past year, Simpler Living has shared some of the Creation Justice Ministries52 Ways to Care for Creation, one for each week of the year. Week 51 (we’re almost there!) is Plan a Green Meal. The idea is to cook a one-pot meal using produce from your local farmers market (or a farm … READ MORE…

Las Posadas at St. Paul’s This Christmas Eve

Para leer este artículo en español, haga clic aquí. The Posadas (Spanish for inn, lodging, or shelter) is a candlelight procession and celebration. In Mexico and some parts of Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, it is traditional to hold Posadas during the nine days before Christmas, beginning December 16 and ending December 24. The … READ MORE…

Letter from Kathleen: Campus Improvements

Hello St. Paul’s I’m Kathleen Burgess, your Director of Administrative Operations here at the Cathedral.  I’m subbing in for our Dean who has grandmother duties to attend to and am happy to report they are going very well. I thought I would take a moment to update you all on some of the progress being … READ MORE…