Free Covid Test Kits

While we are all doing what we can to ensure our own safety and well-being and that of others, we know how hard it can be to get tested if you have COVID symptoms. As of this week, anyone in the United States can order four free at home COVID tests from the United States … READ MORE…

Strive for Voting Rights in our Country

From our Sacred Ground In Action Committee The Voting Rights debate is another of the many divisive issues in our country. Yet what could be more important for democracy than access to vote? As people of faith we are called to love our neighbor, which always alerts us to actions that require such a response.  Here is just … READ MORE…

Be a Climate Advocate from home with these 8 suggestions!

From our Simpler Living Committee While yet another Covid variant has thrown us for a loop, our global faith partner GreenFaith has these suggestions to advocate for Creation.  Whatever you choose to do will add another voice to these important initiatives 1. Tell the Senate: No Dirty Energy in the Build Back Better Act!While the bill contains investments … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Feast for All

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego1/16/2022 A wedding feels like an impossibility right now, doesn’t it? Omicron is surging, and we are experiencing it at St. Paul’s through the lens of caution and care for our people, even though we know the sting of disconnection lingers with each event we pull away from … READ MORE…

What the environmental justice movement owes Martin Luther King Jr

From our Simpler Living MinistryNext week as we remember the life and work of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and his pivotal influence on so many social justice issues, please read this Grist magazine article that pays tribute to his enormous impact on environmental justice activism. Click Here for the article These words remind us that Creation … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Spanish Services

Hello St. Paul’s, Happy New Year and Happy Epiphany! We are now in the season after Epiphany, when we celebrate the recognition of the Saviour by the Gentiles, the broadening of God’s promise to include all of humanity in the plan of salvation. Nearly 20 years ago, when John Chane served as Dean, St. Paul’s … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: Beloved

The Baptism of our Lord: 1/9/22Penelope BridgesBeloved On this first Sunday after the Epiphany, we have leapt from the visit of the wise ones to the adult ministry of Jesus, inaugurated by his baptism at the river Jordan. Jesus receives God’s benediction while he is praying after his baptism. Luke doesn’t tell us if other … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Epiphany Proclamation

Hello St. Paul’s, An ancient tradition of the Church is for clergy to make the Epiphany Proclamation from the pulpit each year. In the days before standardized calendars or Google, this was how the faithful learned the dates of Ash Wednesday, Easter and Pentecost. So here is the Epiphany Proclamation for 2022. Dear friends in … READ MORE…

The Sunday’s Sermon: The Second Sunday After Christmas

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego1/2/2022             Journeys are part of nearly every story. In the western tradition, we trace back the earliest heroes to people who took arduous journeys, Odysseus stick out clearest after surviving the journey to and war with Troy in the Iliad, and the perhaps the most iconic of … READ MORE…