Easter Day Sermon: Empty Tomb, Empty Hands

Easter Day 2022Penelope Bridges Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! You may be familiar with the British tradition of giving chocolate Easter eggs at this time of year. The truly traditional egg is a large hollow egg (think ostrich egg or larger) made of your favorite variety of chocolate: Cadbury’s Dairy … READ MORE…

Covenant to Care for Creation

From the Cathedral’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:Bishop Susan has sent the diocese a Covenant to Care for Creation message addressing the serious nature of the climate emergency facing God’s creation, and a call to Episcopalians to take action.  Please let us know how you will respond to this call, and how you would suggest St Paul’s and … READ MORE…

Celebrate a Day in Nature with Simpler Living!

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:In recognition of Earth Month, the Diocese invites churches to spend A Day in Nature on Saturday, 4/30. Simpler Living members and friends will enjoy a bay walk on Shelter Island at 9 am, meeting in the at the west end of the parking lot near Bali Hai Restaurant. Please join us as we walk … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Holy Week Part 2

Hello St. Paul’s, By now we are well into Holy Week, the center of our year and our faith. We have celebrated the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and we have meditated deeply on the mystery of his Passion, as recounted by St. Luke. Now we turn to the Triduum, the three holiest days. … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Palm Sunday 2022

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s, San Diego4/10/2022             Today is the first Palm Sunday in three years that we’ve been able to fully engage with this liturgy. The highs and lows of it all feel more tangible again, for me at least. There is a great divergence between these extremes. Where at one moment we … READ MORE…

Hope That Transcends

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry The Bad News First: UN climate report – It’s ‘now or never’ to limit global warming to 1.5 degree (Click for details) And as we who follow Jesus know, there is always hope. This account focuses on the healing medicine found in hiking: wherever one might find their trail. … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Holy Week Part 1

Hello St. Paul’s, On Sunday we will enter Holy Week, the center of the church year. The week before Easter is a time when we focus on the tragedy of the Cross and the paradox that this tragedy, the judicial murder of an innocent man, is the greatest gift that we have ever received. While … READ MORE…

Cathedral’s Simpler Living Garden Retreat

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:In a prequel to Earth Month and leading up to Creation Care Sunday, our Simpler Living Ministry held an annual Garden Retreat on Saturday morning, March 26.  Those attending – members of the Cathedral, St. Mark’s, and Mission Hills UCC – found that you cannot walk Cindy Schuricht’s lovely … READ MORE…

SGIA: Education Through Art and Prayer

From the Sacred Ground in Action Ministry:In Rev. Carol Worthing’s current Book Study. The Church Cracked Open by Stephanie Spellers, participants have been continuously reminded the we must name the wounds in order to heal; and “before you reconcile you must reckon.”  This wonderful series below can move us along the path of naming the wounds so that … READ MORE…