A Letter from Stacey Klaman, Chair of the Adult Formation Committee

This year during Lent, instead of Sunday morning Forums at 9 am, Family Ministry and Adult Formation hosted intergenerational “Wondering Together” potluck lunches in the Great Hall after the 10:30 am service. Everyone in the St. Paul’s community was invited to bring a dish to share and wonder together about topics essential to our Christian … READ MORE…

Sermons: The Great Vigil of Easter (2023)

The Great Vigil of Easter, April 8, 2023Penelope Bridges Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Well, we made it. We’ve come to the end of our Lenten journey, walked through the darkness of Holy Week, and now we’ve emerged into the bright light of Easter. I hope that at some point … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Three Holy Days

Hello St. Paul’s, By now we are well into Holy Week, the center of our year and our faith. We have celebrated the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and we have meditated deeply on the mystery of his Passion, as recounted by St. Matthew. Now we turn to the Triduum, the three holiest days. … READ MORE…

April is Genocide Awareness Month

From our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry It’s called genocide.  That’s what it was, a genocide.  No other way to describe it.  And that’s the way it needs to be described in the history books. Governor Gavin Newsom In order to address the wrongs committed in the past we have to confront that reality in … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: On the Brink

Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023Penelope Bridges The year was 1980, I think. The planned installation of American nuclear weapons on British soil generated a national uproar. CND – the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – was riding the wave, and a protest march took place in London. I remember participating in that march, the biggest crowd … READ MORE…

Real Stories About Black Mothering

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) Ministry As we reach the end of Women’s Month, check out these two Yes! articles offering honest perspectives on Black Mothering, a topic that is poorly represented in the media. The first introduces We Live for the We: The Political Power of Black Motherhood with an interview with book author Dani McClain. … READ MORE…

Letter from Claudia: Showers of Blessings

Showers Of Blessings at St. Paul’s – 2015 – 2023 Hello St. Paul’s, This week’s letter comes from Claudia Dixon, who leads our Showers of Blessings ministry. Eight years ago, a handful of parishioners decided it was high time for St. Paul’s to reach out to the growing homeless population of men and women living … READ MORE…

Chill Out for Creation!

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry Heading toward the end of Lent, Climate Stewards invites us to “fast from temperature luxury.” There are places in the world where such luxury is not an option. In San Diego we are fortunate to enjoy temperatures that allow us to lower our heat and, in this way, lower our impact … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Fifth Sunday in Lent (2023)

Watch this sermon on our YouTube page (Click Here). Rev. Cn. Richard HogueMarch, 26, 2023             It’s hard to believe how quickly Lent seems to fly by, as we stare down the long march of Holy Week beginning with Palm Sunday next week. In the bustle of it all, take the time and feel free … READ MORE…