A Letter From Joan: Help Welcome Refugees to San Diego

Your donations of furniture, household items, and more are urgently needed for refugee families entering San Diego. Please contact Joan Reese at jmreese@gmail.com to learn more, request a list of needed items, or receive progress updates.  As we observe this Advent season of prayerful anticipation, families displaced by conflict and climate change who have spent years in refugee … READ MORE…

A Letter From Maureen McNulty: Eucharistic Visitors

“When I was sick, you visited me…Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of My brethren, you did it to me. ”  Matthew 25: 35-46 Eucharistic Visitors are lay people licensed by the Bishop to bring the sacrament of Communion directly from the gathered congregation to those … READ MORE…

Stories Are Powerful

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground In Action Ministry: During Native American Heritage Month (and beyond!) make a commitment to read books written by Indigenous authors and learn more about the cultures, histories, and perspectives of our Indigenous siblings. Here is a small selection for a variety of ages (Click Here). Many of these titles can … READ MORE…

Sunday’s Sermon, November 10, 2024: “In These Times”

Preacher The Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas RCL/Year B Mark 12:38-44 If we were called to read scripture simplistically, the message of today’s Gospel reading from Mark could be summed up pretty easily: Scribes—bad; Widow—Good. In fact, after the deacon reads the lesson, ending with “The Gospel of the Lord,” and we respond with “Praise to you, Lord … READ MORE…

Post Election Prayer Service (11.6.24)

EVENING PRAYERS FOR PEACE November 6, 2024 via Zoom Regular text will be said by the leader, text in bold will be said by representatives of the congregation. If you would like to join in aloud, please mute your microphone. Please participate as you feel led, or feel free to rest in quiet contemplation. Please mute … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Election Prayers from the Listening Hub

Hello St. Paul’s, We now know the outcome of Tuesday’s election, at least in broad strokes, and I know many of you are unhappy with the results. Regardless of events in the world, we are people of prayer, and our response to historic moments, whether they are joyful or tragic, always includes prayer. If you … READ MORE…

Thoughts to Sustain us in the Days Ahead

St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: “No matter what happens [in this election], we know that the work of climate justice and a sustainable healthy future for all must continue.” Amy Brooks Paradise, GreenFaith With the election of a new president, nothing has really changed in our need to take action on the crisis impacting … READ MORE…

Dignity, Not Hate

In the summer of 2024, the 81st General Convention passed the Migration with Dignity resolution.  As the resolution states, “Migration with Dignity is a statement of specific principles about migration that resonate with the teachings of Jesus and our baptismal promise to ‘respect the dignity of every human being.’”  Migration with Dignity is a framework to guide ministry … READ MORE…