We Need To Say, We Too Are Created By God.

After creation was made, God saw that it was good.  And considering that queerness has been observed in creation since the beginning, we know that we too, are good in God’s eyes.  No mistakes were made.  Yes, we are fabulous beings and things are as God intended.  This Pride season, St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral and … READ MORE…

Dean’s Warden’s Letter June 2023

In reflecting on our time together since January, I see this year as one of Reflection and Discipleship. The campus is thriving and radiating with the glow of the Holy Spirit. Our family of God has come together in new and vibrant ways to worship, celebrate, and serve its members, the neighboring community, and greater … READ MORE…

With a Finger on the Pulse of God’s Creation

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) and Simpler Living Creation Care Ministries: It’s about time that we recognize the valuable contributions of our indigenous neighbors whose roots are deep in love for all Creation.  In their yesmagazine article, author Jazmin “Sunny” Murphy outlines a history filled with too many past wrongs against those … READ MORE…

Reducing the Threat to God’s World

From St. Paul’s Peace and Justice Ministry  Following last year’s 80th General Convention resolution upholding the UN’s Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, The Episcopal Church (TEC) Office of Governmental Relations invites us to contact our legislators in support of nuclear disarmament. The world is not ours to destroy.  It is the glorious creation … READ MORE…

Let’s Go! San Diego

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Ministry Our faith calls us to justice for all. What do you say to “advancing equity in climate justice communities through better access to jobs, education, medical care, recreation, and through reducing air pollution?” Think that’s possible? Yes, we can! San Diego, Let’s Go! offers “a historic opportunity to invest in … READ MORE…

Juneteenth: A Day of Remembrance and Resolve

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, is “the oldest internationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.” www.juneteenth.com As people of faith we are called to remember June 19 as a day not only to celebrate the victory that arose from struggle, sacrifice, … READ MORE…

Wanted: Climate Activists (it’s easier than you think!)

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry People of faith and many others are scrambling to find and educate us on climate change solutions.  According to Dr. Eliza Nemser, geoscientist and executive director of Climate Changemakers, “…we’re in deep at this point, and we won’t come close to meeting our emissions targets unless we pull the biggest … READ MORE…

Loving Our Neighbor Calls Us To Action

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry Recently a number of Interfaith ministers met for a San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP) press conference in remembrance of George Floyd, murdered at the hands of public servants who were sworn to serve the public. Many faith-filled words were spoken.  More importantly, allies were called to take … READ MORE…

St. Paul’s Greeter Ministry

“Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are WELCOME here!” “Love Christ, Serve others, WELCOME all!” Sound familiar?  They should, because they are the mission statements of St. Paul’s Cathedral.  Have you ever gone to a new church and no one has welcomed you or even spoken to you?  Did … READ MORE…