Letter From Simpler Living: Walking the Talk

Lately in St Paul’s Morning Prayer on Zoom, we have been reflecting on readings that highlight faith and works.  During this Season of Creation It’s especially fitting that this biblical combination grabs our attention. When we accept the words in Genesis, “God saw all that He made, and it was very good*,” when we have … READ MORE…

2023 Fall Faith Formation Classes

Christian faith formation is a lifelong journey, one which calls us to continually grow in our relationship with God, self, others, and creation. St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral aims to help you in this pursuit through our annual educational classes. Purchase of the related books is the only cost associated with each class. All are welcome to attend. Don’t forget … READ MORE…

Justice Prevails! & More on the Season of Creation

From Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: Justice prevails! Events such as this embolden our hope.  Find out more on the recent landmark federal case in Montana ruled in favor of a group of young plaintiffs who had accused state officials in Montana of violating their right to a healthy environment. Read about it on yesmagazine.org. And join … READ MORE…

What Could Harm Public Health

From our Sacred Ground In Action Ministry (SGIA) We all know that everything we do has consequences.  In the case of the recent US Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, ““To not consider an applicant’s full background…will ultimately lead to lower minority enrollment and worse overall national health.” — Georges Benjamin, MD. Executive. Director, American Pubic … READ MORE…

St. Paul’s Simpler Living Ministry

Tropical Storm Hilary was a warning call to San Diegans and millions of others.  Thankfully St. Paul’s community did not experience the devastating rain and wind that was predicted.  But some did.  Life was lost.  Land and property were destroyed. And we can’t know what’s to come. Some say we shouldn’t dwell on the harm … READ MORE…

Celebrate the Season of Creation!

“The Season of Creation invites us to think deeply about our ecological, economic, and political ways of living, and to work towards justice and right relationship with God’s Creation,” says the Rev. Melanie Mullen, director of TEC Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care….” For most of us who care for God’s good creation, the Season of … READ MORE…

Implicit Hate in Legislation Creates Consequences

From our Sacred Ground in Action Ministry Our country has seen a rise in laws that are subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – in cancelling the importance of how we treat one another in our world: the necessary and painful history of prior injustices to prevent future ones. Similarly there are laws that … READ MORE…

Comic-Con Sunday 2023

Last year, on July 24, we celebrated our first Comic-Con Sunday, where clergy and attendees were encouraged to don costumes of their favorite entertainment characters at the 10:30 am service. Thank you to all who participated, it was a joy to see such creativity demonstrated! This year, July 23 at 10:30 am, we bring back … READ MORE…