Engaging Open Communion

The Forum last week discussed the concept of “open Communion”, that is, what happens when Communion is restricted to the baptized, and what are the arguments for opening it to all. A couple of years ago, the blog “Fr Jake Stops the World” reviewed “Take this Bread” by Sarah Miles. In this book, the author … READ MORE…

An Anti-Depressant Found In Every Orthodox Church

The Rev. Canon MIchael Kaehr draws our attention to this recent article, Incense Found To Be Psychoactive: Biologists from Johns Hopkins University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem have discovered that burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates poorly understood ion channels in the brain that alleviate anxiety and depression, suggesting that an entirely … READ MORE…

Summer Choir season is here!

Soprano, alto, tenor, bass…. What’s it like to sing in the choir? You can find out! Summer choir season begins this week. On 11 July, 18 July, and 25 July, anyone who wants to sing is welcome. Meet at 9.30 am in the choir room, where we’ll go over some basics. Then we vest and … READ MORE…

Growing justice and faith, update thread 2

For previous entries in this series, click here Update, July 12 2010Our book study continued as we reflected upon and dialogued about children and youth developing eco-justice attitudes and behaviors as the important adults in their lives express the sacredness of all creation in prayer and worship, and model, advocate for and engage in positive … READ MORE…

That First Day

On July 1, 1958, Gresham Oregon was a small farming community of 5,000 people about twelve miles east of Portland, Oregon. That morning, at age twenty, I became a novice in the Society of St. Paul at our first Mass at St. Luke the Physician Episcopal Church in the town where the founder of our … READ MORE…

Growing Justice and Faith: Update

The Growing Justice and Faith book group continues to meet on Tuesdays (7pm, Fireside Room, July 6 and 13). There is a conversation afoot on the blog here–so please join in. To keep all the information and conversation in one place, we are updating the previous post, rather than posting a new entry. You can … READ MORE…

Author! Author!

Having written and published two novels over the past year has produced some interesting effects on other people. On me too, but first, other people. These effects range from a sort of hushed awe by some folks who have never been in the presence of a living, breathing (usually) writer whom they elevate to the … READ MORE…

8 Steps to Draw Your Vision Out

So much spins around us that many of us rarely, if ever, contemplate our personal vision. May I give you an excuse to do so here? Imagination is incredibly important in this because it sees more possibilities than limitations. So, set all those voices aside which say “No” and “Yeah, but . . .” If … READ MORE…

Growing Justice and Faith: Ongoing discussion with updates

To support children’s growth as God’s beloved our small group covered various topics and checked out a variety of book titles to explore children’s spiritual development and Christian faith formation through creation care and eco-justice. We viewed a delightful video of Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, and his youth … READ MORE…

Singing in Summer Choir

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to sing in the choir? It can be done! Every July, the choir gets a well-deserved break, and anyone who is interested can step in. I wrote this description of our experience last summer, when my wife Lisa and I were still new to the Cathedral. The Cathedral … READ MORE…