Haiti updates: flooding now

Bart Smoot brings this to our attention: now there are floods in Haiti: Flooding triggered by heavy rain killed at least 11 people in Les Cayes, Haiti’s third most populous city and an area unscathed by the devastating January 12 earthquake that flattened much of the country’s capital. Three were killed in Torbeck, which is … READ MORE…

JUST LOVE conference: exposing and countering the “ex-gay” movement

The “ex-gay” movement is founded on the idea that sexuality is “just a choice” and is at the lead in opposing GLBT rights in this country. The so-called “ex-gay” organizations are criticized by mainstream medical professionals for the harm they do GLBT people. The supporters of this discredited movement are linked to the Uganda bill … READ MORE…

Remembering My Mom

In case you didn’t know, we just celebrated National Wear Red Day, a day set aside to help raise awareness of heart disease in women…and honor those who’ve lost the battle against it. The figures are pretty staggering and I thought I’d take a minute to share a few of them: Heart disease is the … READ MORE…

Convention Report: The Right Person for the Right Job at the Right Time

When I was a young man transplanted from what was then a very provincial Southern California to NYC, the center of urbanity; I was assigned as a training exercise the presentation a motivational speech to a group of rookie colleagues. I punched all the old buttons I remembered from orientation talks, kitchen table parental talks … READ MORE…

Simpler Living Tips: Time Stewardship

While we are all aware of stewardship of resources (our own and the earth’s), we may think less about stewardship of time. There is in fact a movement afoot to return to a more sacramental sense of time—time as something God-given, not our own to “spend” as we choose. Some thoughts/questions might flow from this: … READ MORE…

A visit to a sister Cathedral

Cross posted with permission from Friends of Jake, where blogger IT blogs about her travels with her wife BP. This weekend BP and I visited family in Portland Oregon. We had a great time, staying downtown in the very funky Ace Hotel, and riding the MAX train everywhere. What a cool city. We could definitely … READ MORE…