How to advocate in Congress

At Sunday’s forum, Susan Forsburg (whose weekday job is professor of molecular biology) described how she works with one of her professional societies to advocate Congress for science funding, including trips to Washington, DC to meet with Congressional representatives. Here’s Susan’s list of ways to advocate for issues that you care about.  It is essential … READ MORE…

People’s Warden Update

A. LLC Questions and Answers No questions this month! B. Cathedral Parishioner Questions and Answers Q. With all the transitions and new personnel what type of leader is Dean Penny? Is she a hands -on or hands -off type of manager and does she view feedback from the congregation important? A. These are pretty loaded … READ MORE…

New Canons!

What’s a Canon, you ask? Canons of the Cathedral are those who have a formal or honorary affiliation voted on by the chapter and approved by the Bishop. They can be clergy, or lay people. This is a recognition of current office and/or previous service.  (See previous posts about our canons here.) Canons wear purple … READ MORE…

A sort of Eulogy

Robert Heylmun reflects on loss. We never get used to it. The news of a friend’s death, I mean. As someone in his 70s, I’d think that some amount of immunity from the profound feeling of loss would have accrued, would have allowed me to take in the news with a dignified equanimity. Pauline’s death … READ MORE…

Ministry report: CSA farm tour

Did you know you can join a CSA and share /coordinate with fellow parishioners at St Paul’s for pickup?  Simpler Living can tell you more.  Jen Jow shares news of the CSA farm tour. CSA Farm Tour JR Organics Farm Tour May 14 – update by Carolyn Lief download/vegetable-still-life-05-hd-picture_167404.html What is CSA? CSA or … READ MORE…

Save the Date: Light up the Cathedral /Interfaith PRIDE Celebration!

Save the date:  July 12, 7pm Metropolitan Community Church Founder, the Reverend Troy Perry to keynote this year’s Light Up The Cathedral- An Interfaith PRIDE Celebration! St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral and San Diego Pride will celebrate the history of Pride in San Diego on July 12th at the “Light Up The Cathedral Interfaith PRIDE Celebration! … READ MORE…

Ministry Updates: FOMOS

Jen Jow shares with us some ministry news Friends of Military Outreach Service (FOMOS) – update by Susan Astarita Ministry Leader Main Project is with Amikas (women vets with children) Emergency Sleeping Cabins which is the size of tiny homes. Next steps: Amikas is preparing a draft strategic plan to field one model Emergency Sleeping … READ MORE…

Chapter Q & A

Jen Jow shares Chapter Question and Answers  A LLC Questions and Answers No questions this month! B. Cathedral Sunday Bulletin and Announcement Questions Update provided by Jeff M. – Communications Dept. Q. Why has the outreach ministry section been left out of the announcements and the contact information? That was vital information because it was … READ MORE…

People’s Warden Reports

Jen Jow writes, Quarterly update from chapter meetings held in April, May, and June. If you are interested in comprehensive chapter minutes it is available by request at the front office.  HIGHLIGHTS • The big take away in April’s meeting is chapter approved a “Safe Church Policy” which St Paul’s has never had before. The … READ MORE…