St. Teresa once wrote:
However great the breath, the depth, the height of our thought of the soul, we shall not exceed the reality; for its capacity is far greater than we are able to conceive, and the Sun which dwells in this house penetrates to every corner of it.
Evelyn Underhill took these words to heart when she wrote her book, The House of the Soul. Using her thoughts as our inspiration, we will consider our own lives from the perspective of the soul as an ‘interior castle’ and the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit.’ What does it mean for us, as women, to become solid like a house? How can we be strengthened and settled in this time and place of rapid and perpetual change, learning to live in the shelter of each other? In our time together we will enter into a conversation and play house, creating an intentional structure and a spiritual practice that contemplates the care of the caregivers and brings rest to the soul. Come and join me for an evening where our work becomes playful and our play productive.
The Very Rev. Rebecca McClain is the Interim Dean of St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. Rebecca has served as priest at the congregational, diocesan and national levels and recently retired after completing her responsibilities as Canon Missioner at Saint Mark’s Cathedral on Capitol Hill in Seattle, Washington.
You can reserve a seat right now by clicking here. You will be directed to the Women Together @ St. Paul’s webpage where you can RSVP. Let us know if you want the optional $10 light dinner (payable at the door), or, feel free to bring your own. We still need to know if you’re coming, even if you don’t plan to eat. Deadline for all reservations, with or without dinner, is: Monday, September 30.

Christian Women in a Diverse World
All ages welcome!