Women meet Simpler Living: let’s continue the conversation!

Pam Crooks of WT@SPC (Women Together @ St Paul’s) writes,
We had such a wonderful gathering at our first meeting! The food was delicious. Carolyn Lief and Grace van Thillo’s program “In Search of Simpler Living,” quite thought-provoking. Judging by the buzz in the room over dinner, I’d say there were a lot of interesting conversations taking place.

Grace von Thillo encourages further discussion :
Carolyn Lief and I joined the Women Together evening and presented, “In Search of Simpler Living”, our personal spiritual paths in Christ toward more sustainable and compassionate choices, and an overview of the Simpler Living ministry. Many of the women expressed an interest in Richard Foster’s Outward Expressions of Simplicity found in his essay entitled, The Discipline of Simplicity; if you have the Simpler Living, Compassionate Life book, you’ll find these on pp. 187-189.

We invite you to respond to and BLOG about any of the following:

From Foster:

  • How can the Christian discipline of simplicity become an inward reality that results in an outward lifestyle? or,
  • Simplicity is the only thing that sufficiently reorients our lives so that possessions can be genuinely enjoyed without destroying us.
  • And, across all ages, what can we do here at St. Paul’s to grow our inward realities toward outward lifestyles of simplicity?

Feel free to keep the conversation going in the comments to this post. The next Women Together meeting is 4 November.

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