Last week in the midst of my urban habitat I enjoyed a labyrinth walk. We don’t always have to seek wilderness to experience holy nature in our daily lives; yet it does help to take time to appreciate creation wherever we can find it so that we can muster spiritual energy for the good work of creation care. Now, ready to roll up those sleeves?
The following action links were shared at Simpler Living’s recent Faith Forum, Creation Justice in a Time of Climate Emergency:
Faith leaders statement on climate emergency
Climate solutions for your support in the Reconciliation Bill (Click Here)
Five-week Faith Formation book study, Braiding Sweetgrass (Click Here)
Now that you have more information on the immediacy of climate disruption, please consider increasing your involvement to promote real solutions. For more on ways to take action, contact Diane (dianelopezhughes@gmail.com) or join us at our upcoming meeting on Thursday, 10/7 from 2:45 to 4:15 pm.