We ask you to act on this very specific advocacy opportunity calling to support the strengthening of the CAL Green Building Code for 2023-2025 for electric vehicle plug in accessibility for all. Especially as the cost of electric vehicles comes down, more people will be able to further decrease their carbon footprint in a significant way if they believe there is a convenient way to charge their cars. Plug In America invites us to support this effort to make EV charging accessible to new multi-family homes.
Click Here to customize your message to the California Building Standards Commission. Please indicate your own name and contact information (sorry we couldn’t leave the current spaces blank!) Comments must be submitted by 9/27/21.
Plug In America is a non-profit, supporter-driven advocacy group. We are the voice of plug-in vehicle drivers across the country. Our mission is to drive change to accelerate the shift to plug-in vehicles powered by clean, affordable, domestic electricity to reduce our nation’s dependence on petroleum, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
On Saturday, October 2 from 10 am to 2 pm, residents in San Diego County will be able to learn more about the benefits of electric vehicles and home electrification at the Be The Change Festival, a way to offer climate solutions through a nationwide celebration sponsored by the Environmental Stewardship Team of St. Bartholomew’s in Poway. Contact parth.domke@gmail.com. Click Here to Register