Homily, Great Vigil

We are in the dark. We don’t know when this thing will end. We don’t know if we or people we love will become ill. We don’t know who is telling the truth. We are in the dark and we need the light of Christ. This year, more than ever, we need Easter. In Ezekiel’s … READ MORE…

Photoessay: Vergers at the Vigil

If you visit Episcopal Cathedrals around the country, you will find that although we are a relatively small Cathedral, we have a mighty Verger Corps (see here for more about the vergers’ roles).  Your vergers are responsible for the smooth running of the service, spending lots of time before, during and after the service, to ensure that … READ MORE…

The Vigil Sermon: Risen to New Life

Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Tonight you may have heard more Scripture read than you have ever heard before in a single worship service. Not only the stories, but the Psalms and canticles, and the prayers drawn from Scripture, all together giving us a rich and full sense of the … READ MORE…

The Swan: Vigil Against Conversion Therapy

Our own Rev. Jeff Martinhauk spoke at the Vigil Against Conversion Therapy at St Paul’s on Thursday night: I want to briefly remind you of an old fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson. If you remember, this tale starts with a mother duck waiting for her brood to hatch. Each duckling hatches, and the mother … READ MORE…

Easter Vigil Sermon: This is the night

Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! This is a night unlike any other night. The Exsultet, that Martin sang so beautifully, gives it poetic expression:        This is the night when God brought our ancestors out of bondage.        This is the night when all who believe … READ MORE…