Thanksgiving Day Sermon: Gratitude is greater than Control

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego11/25/2021 “Gratitude is greater than Control“ Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving! I cannot imagine a more ironic opening to a gospel on Thanksgiving Day than this one: “I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The True King

November 21, Christ the King; ingatheringPenelope BridgesThe True King Today’s a day for endings: it’s the last Sunday of the church year, the last Sunday of the long green season that began back in May after Pentecost; the last Sunday of Year B of the Sunday lectionary and Year One of the Daily Office lectionary; … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Starting With Stones Upturned

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego11/14/2021 Good morning! I am humbled to join you all today, and I want to thank Dean Penny and all owho have welcomed me into the life of St. Paul’s Cathedral. This week was a bit of a start-stop week for me, as I began to take on … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Love God, Love Neighbor

October 31, 2021 Penelope Bridges Love God, Love Neighbor Let’s think about Naomi for a moment. She and her husband and their two sons were emigrants from Israel to Israel’s enemy Moab, driven from their homeland by famine. She was widowed, but fortunately her sons were adults and had wives, so she wasn’t initially left … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Investing in God’s Work

October 10 2021Penelope BridgesInvesting in God’s Work Today we launch our 2022 annual pledge campaign. So I’m going to talk for a few minutes about money, even though it makes us all a little uncomfortable. The Gospels tell us that Jesus talked about money a lot but we try to avoid it or hide from … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon, Sept. 26

September 26, 2021Welcome AllPenelope Bridges Once again our lectionary gives us just a tantalizing snippet of a Bible story that deserves to be more fully known. Today we hear extracts from the end of the story of Esther. This is a book of the Bible that doesn’t explicitly mention God, and for that reason, like … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: God’s Creation, God’s Justice

September 5, 2021 The Very Rev. Penny Bridges The Episcopal Church offers an option for churches to observe a short Season of Creation in the early fall, and today we begin that season. We aren’t deviating from the regular Scripture readings, but we have special prayers and a blessing for the season. So, one of … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Small Things With Great Love

July 25, 2021Penelope BridgesSmall Things with Great Love Once again Scripture confronts us with stories about power: human power and divine power.  This story of David and Bathsheba is just horrific. David is comfortable in his power as king. He is so comfortable, in fact, that he no longer bothers to lead his men in … READ MORE…

Light Up The Cathedral For Pride

Light Up the Cathedral for PrideJuly 14, 2021: ResilientPenelope M Bridges Good evening, friends. Happy Pride! I am deeply grateful to the Pride leadership for inviting me to give this address tonight. Even though I have spoken in this pulpit many, many times, this is an occasion when Pride gets to select the speaker, and … READ MORE…