Immigration Reform in Sight

From our Sacred Ground In Action (SGIA) Committee After more than 35 years since the last major immigration reform bill was passed by Congress, the US Senate may soon have the power to finally address our immigration crisis with justice and compassion for our neighbors. Please read more about the possibility for comprehensive reform and consider … READ MORE…

Advocacy for Native American Heritage Month

From The Episcopal Public Policy Network – Two important issues the Office of Government Relations (OGR) has engaged with are efforts to address the historical trauma caused by Indian boarding schools and ways to protect Oak Flat from mining. Click Here to learn more.

Help Call Georgians for Runoff Election

From our Sacred Ground in Action CommitteeAs followers of Jesus we are called to proceed from faith to action. As we pray for a healthy democracy, Fair Fight provides such an opportunity to act by engaging us to help ensure a fair and well-attended runoff election for US Senate in Georgia. Join SGIA in signing … READ MORE…

Right Relationships

From our Sacred Ground in Action racial justice ministry: As November is Indigenous Peoples’ month as well as a time to express our gratitude for this good Earth, we pause to remember that we now occupy the unceded land of the Kumeyaay people who lived here more than 10,000 years, and live here still.  SGIA … READ MORE…

Dreaming of Reparations

From Our Sacred Ground in Action Ministry:  A Survey found that when people are provided with a detailed definition of the meaning of reparation support rises significantly.   A US reparations program is not only a way to help close the Black-white wealth gap: it needs to to address the politics and culture that allowed the gap to … READ MORE…

Becoming Beloved Community from an Indigenous Perspective

From our Sacred Ground in Action racial justice ministry: Join Episcopalians across this mostly unceded land to learn about an Indigenous perspective on becoming Beloved Community. For more information and registration on this November 2 webinar, Click Here. Prayer:  O Great Spirit, God of all people and every tribe, through whom all people are related; Call us … READ MORE…

Native Wisdom for the Climate Crisis

From Our Simpler Living Creation Care and Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) ministries: Traditional Earth knowledge has deep roots in the wise ways of our Indigenous neighbors.  Unlike technological fixes that can sometimes add more unknowns to solve a problem, that may in turn create more problems, centuries of practice that is “cumulative, place-based, and … READ MORE…

What’s in a Map?

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry: We continue to learn about more insidious ways that hold down our neighbors of color. Here is another: “Mapmakers choose what to include and exclude and how to display information to users…. [Black Counter-Mapping] is part of the broader Black creative tradition and political struggle.” For the entire Yes! Magazine article, … READ MORE…

Prayer & Action at Friendship Park

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry: While our heads are spinning from so much tragic news around the world it is easy to lose sight of what continues to happen in our own backyard.  Clearly issues at the border appear to be insurmountable.  Meanwhile, as we await just solutions, as people of faith we … READ MORE…

For Fairness in our Justice System It’s Time for Change

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry: As a coincidental follow up to last week’s SGIA article, the ACLU of San Diego and Imperial. Counties will host Deconstructing Incarceration, an important virtual forum  on the need to reimagine public safety.  This is particularly urgent due to the county having one of the highest jail death rates in the … READ MORE…