Black History Month Through the Arts

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: These offerings represent only the current tip of the iceberg delving into the historical richness of Black American cultural and tradition. As many have said, Black history IS American History! Through a musical lens, Henry Louis Gates Jr. hosted this deeply powerful history of Gospel in … READ MORE…

Black History Month 

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: These ideas for white people who want to celebrate Black History month can deepen awareness and ignite a desire to accompany our Black siblings for meaningful change: Read more at And here is a virtual event that highlights the intersectionality of racial and environmental justice. … READ MORE…

Continuing Along Sacred Ground

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: While we await the re-gathering of our regular SGIA meetings at the Cathedral, here is an example of an EDSD Sacred Ground group that has also found a way to continue the community they formed after their ten-month series.  The group comprised of folks from Christ … READ MORE…

Moving Through Hope Towards Justice

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Committee: As we continue to think about the hope advanced through the life of Dr King, we need to remember that we are far from the end of the arc that bends towards justice. The Barber of Little Rock offers an excellent and moving reminder. Watch the entire film on … READ MORE…

Remembering Rev. Dr. King

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Committee: God gifts the world with many saints, some walking in our midst! At the right time in the right place in our troubled history, Dr King was one of those saints. We have so much to thank him for, and there is so much of his work … READ MORE…

Christmas Light & Love

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: As we celebrate the birth of Jesus in our Christian tradition, our faith calls us to spread the light of love to everyone.  In these days when we hear words that divide us, the story of the Holy family reminds us that we are neighbors, all … READ MORE…

Sharing with Children at the Border

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry St. Paul’s Sacred Ground In Action Ministry (SGIA) invites us to donate a Christmas gift for migrant children at the border.  The EDSD Migration Ministry requests Hot Wheels cars, coloring books and crayons, and stuffed animals to be distributed on December 24 and 25.  New or very … READ MORE…

Honoring Indigenous Heritage and Culture Throughout the Year

St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action and Simpler Living ministries: How will you honor our Indigenous neighbors beyond November and throughout the year? article (Click Here). One simple way to start is by sending a letter to President Biden in advance of the annual Tribal Nations summit at the White House. This is an … READ MORE…

More Than Thanks

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry: As many of us in the United States celebrate a day to express thanks for bounty – whether for the gift of faith, family and friends, health, or wealth of one kind or another – we need to recall that this day is not seen as … READ MORE…

Reclaiming Sovereignty Through Ancestral Foods

From our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry:  As we consider our society’s traditional “Thanksgiving celebration“ we are reminded that can be a relative expression especially for our Indigenous neighbors.  Filmmaker Sterlin Harjo’s documentary, Gather, chronicles how Native American are reclaiming food sovereignty.  It’s available through iTunes, Netflix, and Amazon.  Click here for the trailer. To find … READ MORE…