From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry:
While federal legislation on reparations of Black Americans has stalled in Congress for decades, communities across the country – including church communities – have found ways to start this important way forward. In this chaotic time of governance, these may be the only way for our Black American siblings to realize justice so long overdue. Here are some ideas that we hope will inspire action for repair. Read the article on Yesmagazine.org (Click Here).
Good and Gracious God, we lament the lasting legacy of slavery and its many manifestations which result in racist policies and deep trauma that has continued for centuries…. We lament our complicity in allowing racist policies and practice to continue. With your grace, we commit ourselves to ongoing repair and redress of these sins. We affirm ourselves as members of one human family, believing that what affects one of us affects all of us. May we have the courage to disrupt and avert any system of inequity. May we support efforts to repair these wrongs. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen
Adapted from a Pax Christi USA prayer