Reducing the Threat to God’s World

From St. Paul’s Peace and Justice Ministry  Following last year’s 80th General Convention resolution upholding the UN’s Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, The Episcopal Church (TEC) Office of Governmental Relations invites us to contact our legislators in support of nuclear disarmament. The world is not ours to destroy.  It is the glorious creation … READ MORE…

Act on Gun Violence Now

From St. Paul’s Peace and Justice Ministry Below content from The Episcopal Church Office of Governmental Relations: Recently members of Bishops United Against Gun Violence were in Washington, DC, for a day of action meeting with members of Congress to urge them to pass legislation to help end gun violence. Join them by writing your members of Congress … READ MORE…

United Nations International Peace Day is September 21

From our Peace and Justice Committee Every year on September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace as established through unanimous resolution by the United Nations in 1981. The Cathedral Peace and Justice Ministry encourages us to commemorate this date by committing to peace, moving beyond the myth of separation to recognize our … READ MORE…

The Historic Chane Proclamation

What we now call the Chane Proclamation was posted on the north porch door of the Cathedral in the 1990’s by past Dean John Chane, who later became the Bishop of Washington. It was displayed there until 2018 when the door was re-finished. The Chane Proclamation is a statement of welcome that sets forth St. … READ MORE…

Introducing the New Peace & Justice Committee Page

Introducing the the Peace and Justice webpage for St. Paul’s Cathedral in San Diego, CA. It is our hope that we can use this space to educate, inform, and as appropriate, call to action those who are concerned about the ongoing problems of inequality and conflict in all its forms in our community and country. … READ MORE…

The Bishop of New York Speaks

This is an excerpt from a message that The Right Reverend Andrew ML Dietsche sent to the people of New York (his diocese) on August 30. The Peace and Justice Committee commends it. Read the entire letter here. Black Lives MatterThere is a litany of names, victims of institutional violence against Black people in America, … READ MORE…

St. Paul’s Relaunching the Cathedral Peace and Justice Committee

The last few months have seen an increase in the level of activity and activism around issues of peace and justice, including immigrant rights, gender equality, LGBT and climate change issues, whether local, national, or internationally focused. To help the Cathedral community respond both thoughtfully and in a timely fashion to calls for action on … READ MORE…

If You Want Peace, Work for Justice

In preparing for my upcoming sermon for the last Sunday in Advent,  I came across the 1972 address of Pope Paul VI given on the World Day for Peace. You may have heard the phrase, “If you want peace, work for justice”; the phrase was coined in this speech. Particularly on the Sunday during which … READ MORE…