Discerning for Listening Hearts

The Listening Hearts Ministry supports those who are seeking to understand what they are called to do when faced with decisions or challenges. This program relies on trained, supportive friends and colleagues and parishioners who can help the seeker find their way. Are you being called to use your time and talents as a discerner … READ MORE…

The Sound of Silence

The work of the Cathedral Docents Corp is largely a silent ministry – to be “a doorkeeper in the house of our God” (Psalm 84:10). Our aim is to hold the Cathedral open each weekday from ten in the morning until four in the afternoon, for any and all who wish to stop by for … READ MORE…

Do you need a Listening Heart?

Are you facing a difficult decision, or feel you are at a crossroad in life? Perhaps the Listening Hearts Ministry may be of help to you. Welcome to the Listening Hearts Ministry – “a community of prayerful people trained to be present with others at such spiritual crossroads in our lives. Anyone may ask to … READ MORE…

Introducing Women @ St Paul’s

Women are an important and powerful element in the Episcopal Church. This is particularly true at St. Paul’s Cathedral, as there have been many active women’s groups in the past. Conversation began this past summer with Canon Chris Harris, the Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas and Nancy Tarbell about reinvigorating the women’s group at St. Paul’s. … READ MORE…


Powerful words! Webster’s tells us” Education” is an action or process of educating or of being educated. Ministry, according to Webster’s second description is “Instrumentality” a quality or state of being instrumental. Hello my name is Cecil Keener I am the Education for Ministry Coordinator for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. I am also … READ MORE…

Creating a new tradition: creation care!

I’m looking forward to share Creation Care Sunday with St. Paul’s friends together in worship this special day – a new tradition at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Over the years as an educator, during environmental activities with children and adults, I always had to stop short in the (so-called) secular world of giving credit where credit … READ MORE…

Creation Care Sunday, April 18th

I’d like to get the word out about a new annual event at St. Paul’s–Creation Care Sunday on April 18th, to be held just before the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22. Both Sunday morning services will focus on appreciating and nurturing God’s creation all around us and two further events are planned. … READ MORE…

Simpler Living Tips: Time Stewardship

While we are all aware of stewardship of resources (our own and the earth’s), we may think less about stewardship of time. There is in fact a movement afoot to return to a more sacramental sense of time—time as something God-given, not our own to “spend” as we choose. Some thoughts/questions might flow from this: … READ MORE…