An Observer’s View of Chapter

This is the transcript of a conversation between Dean’s Warden Donna Perdue and Stacey Klaman, a relatively new parishioner who has been sitting in on Chapter meetings. Donna             Hello St. Paul’s.  It’s that time of year again, when we ask members of the St. Paul’s community to discern if they feel called to serve on … READ MORE…

The New Landscaping Committee

Hello, I’m Kathleen Burgess, the Director of Administrative Operations for St. Paul’s Cathedral. I’m delighted to be able to share some great news about a new committee that has been formed for the Cathedral, the Landscaping Committee. The Landscaping Committee is a subcommittee of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. They will meet regularly and report … READ MORE…

A letter from Daniel McMillan

Dear People of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I first wanted to thank you for the love, support, and prayers I have received from you all since arriving at Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP). I must admit there were and are times when I ask myself, “What in the world am I doing here?”  But … READ MORE…

Homecoming Sunday!

Dear St. Paul’s family, It’s Homecoming Sunday!  Welcome home. Every year we designate a Sunday in the fall as homecoming Sunday.  Usually it is homecoming because the summer often brings a different routine. Whether it is vacation, sleeping in, a break from school, finding cool places to avoid the heat, or just the lazy days … READ MORE…

A letter from the Dean: Our Music MInistry

Dear St. Paul´s family, Our Pentecost celebration last Sunday was joyful and Spirit-filled. I had the blessing of attending all four services and experiencing the wide variety of gifts and cultures that we enjoy here in San Diego. We heard the Acts reading in many different languages, we experienced a graceful dance, we sang great … READ MORE…

A letter from the Dean: Membership

May 9, 2018 Dear St. Paul’s family, This week’s message is about membership and engagement. It’s evident to all of us that attendance at worship has declined in the last four or five years, from an average Sunday attendance (ASA) in 2015 of 607 to 525 in 2017. It’s not a trend any of us … READ MORE…

Oh come let us adore him

Dear people of St. Paul’s, “In this holy season, let it be our care and delight.” Whenever I hear or say these words, I know that we are welcoming the Christmas season in our uniquely Anglican way. The seasonal Service of Lessons and Carols is one of those traditions that connects us with our spiritual … READ MORE…