Announcing the New Dean of St Paul’s

     December 26, 2013 Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s Cathedral, The Rev. Penny Bridges On behalf of the Chapter, we are delighted to announce that the Reverend Penelope M. Bridges has accepted our unanimous call to ministry at St. Paul’s Cathedral as our fourth Dean. Dean Elect Bridges will begin at St. Paul’s … READ MORE…

Calling the Next Dean: the search is on!

Dear friends, Finally! This week marks the culmination of an extraordinary amount of work by a large number of people.  Many of you participated in last fall’s Cathedral Profile Survey and in the Stewardship receptions to give us feedback on your visions for the Cathedral.  The Profile Committee worked diligently to shape those results into … READ MORE…

Stewardship starts with community

Don’t miss joining us at one of our Stewardship Receptions starting November 3rd! You are invited!  Our fall Stewardship Campaign is an opportunity to come together and reflect on why we love St. Paul’s, celebrate what God is doing in our lives, and consider how we can support the Cathedral’s mission and ministry in the … READ MORE…

Update: Cathedral Transition

Time does fly. It has been more than two months since we said our tearful/joyful farewells to Scott and Mary Richardson, and I want to bring you up to date on the transition related activities that are occurring at the Cathedral. A position description for an interim dean has been approved by Chapter, and we … READ MORE…

Farewell to Scott and Mary (video)

 Dear Friends in Christ, Wise observers have noted that the two deepest needs human beings have are to be seen and appreciated. Mary and I leave Saint Paul’s with a deep sense of fulfillment in this regard.  We had a wonderful concluding weekend – a fun party on Saturday and moving worship on Sunday – … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Vaya Con Dios

Vaya Con Dios (Bi-Lingual Service) Saint Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego Proper 7B (RCL); June 24, 2012 Scott Richardson + Gracious God, Let these words be more than words and give us the spirit of Jesus. Amen. I don’t speak much Spanish but I know what the words “Vaya con Dios” mean – go with God. … READ MORE…