Dean Letter: Voting

Dear St. Paul’s family, Next Tuesday the mid-term elections will take place across the nation. Traditionally voter turnout has been low for the mid-terms, and I want to encourage you to cast your vote. It’s one thing that all Americans do together, and goodness knows we need moments of national unity in these divided times. … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: A Congregation of Action

Dear St. Paul’s family, St Paul’s has a distinguished history of speaking up for causes important to our community. In the “summer of love” in 2008, same-sex couples from our congregation and all over California were able to join in legal marriage for the first time in our state’s history. When opponents introduced a proposition … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Anatomy of the Eucharistic Prayer

Dear St. Paul’s family, On Sunday October 21 I am leading a conversation about the anatomy of the Eucharistic Prayer. The Eucharistic Prayer, also known as the Great Thanksgiving, is the long prayer which starts after the Peace with “The Lord be with you!” and ends with the Great Amen before the Lord’s Prayer. Regardless … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Gratitude and Giving

Dear St. Paul’s family, A couple of weeks ago I took on a small project of writing thank-you notes to the 127 members of our Legacy Society, that is, those people who made it known to us that the Cathedral is included in their estate planning. It didn’t take long to write one note, but … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Sesquicentennial Plans

Dear St. Paul’s family,                 Next year we will celebrate a big birthday: on December 18, 2019, this congregation will complete 150 years of ministry in San Diego. A group of parishioners has come together under the leadership of Susan Jester to plan a year of celebration, starting this December.  The general approach is to … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Congregational Feedback

Dear St. Paul’s family,                 Our recent series of summer socials gave me an opportunity to say in person to about 250 of you how much I love St Paul’s and all of you. Every day I give thanks for the tremendous privilege of serving this extraordinary community. You are faithful, smart, sophisticated, engaged, passionate … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Summer Wrap up

Dear St. Paul’s Family, This week we celebrate Homecoming, a regathering after the summer and a rededication to mission and ministry. But we haven’t been idle: here are some facts and figures about our cathedral summer. Martin Green held two weeks of choir camps, attended by 19 children in all, several of them new recruits. … READ MORE…