Simpler Living: A Prayer for the Season


God of light, the daylight shortens as the winter solstice approaches.

We await the coming of the Savior whose light will never darken.

Grant us during this Advent and winter nourishing rains and peaceful snowfalls to replenish the earth’s aquifers, lakes and rivers.

Restore the land so it will produce bountiful harvests for all your creatures. 

Then rushing rivers, glaciers and waterfalls will join in praising your name at the coming of spring.

Through Jesus Christ: your son, our brother; and the Holy Spirit,


And here is a resource endorsed by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry:

MOVING FORWARD A Guide to Climate Action For Your Congregation and Community
The solutions for a response to climate change are within reach. This guide was created to provide you with resources to reduce energy use, to build resilient houses of worship as a refuge from a changing climate, and to encourage support for policies that better care for creation.

Click Here to read “MOVING FORWARD”

Read this brief resource and share your favorite suggestions with us.  Now is past time to take action on the ways we can move forward with gratitude, prayer, community support, conversation and concrete actions that are still needed to give credence to the Cathedral’s statement: Destroying the planet is against our religion.

Reach out to your Senator
The Episcopal Public Policy Network calls on all of us to support the critical climate change portion of the Build Back Better bill, along with other social justice needs.  Contact our senators CLICK HERE

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