From Sacred Ground in Action: Change and Persistence

Believe it or not there is some good news in our body politic. On President Biden’s last day in office, he commuted civil rights leader Leonard Peltier’s sentence of life imprisonment. At 80 years of age, in poor health, and held for almost fifty years, he will “spend his remaining days in home confinement.”  Before his own death, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, “In a nation which so prides itself on a strong and incorruptible judicial system and a humane and responsive government, it is sad indeed to think that … justice has been elusive for this man.” Ultimately, persistence and compassion triumphed.

While we most likely won’t see a continuation of such compassion in the next four years, through the dedication of leaders and others who continue to strive for justice we are reminded that persistence in community can right wrongs and even counteract negative policies that harm so many people and creation itself.  Our Cathedral community can offer not only prayers and hope, but conversations and organization that can lead to action. Let’s find our place among our social justice ministries – even reinvigorate them – in the days ahead.

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