Holiday Greetings from Simpler Living at St Paul’s Cathedral!
In addition to the local, fair trade, and/or sustainable items available for gift-giving from the Alternative Gift Expo this year, we are suggesting some informational sites that will help to focus on what is meaningful at this time of peace and what can help us to reduce our carbon footprint while actively addressing the consumer-created dilemmas as we face the climate crisis and care for God’s creation. Check out the links below:
Frequently asked questions about holiday waste prevention (Click Here)
Save that wrapping paper for Christmas – and save the world too (Click Here)
13 Zero Waste Online Stores For All Your Package Free Shopping (Click Here)
Rent your Christmas Tree this year (Click Here)
How to have a stylish, sustainable Christmas by Martha Shade, CNN (Click Here)
5 Ways to make your Christmas More sustainable (Click Here)
The Simpler Living Ministry:
Simpler Living seeks a Christian response to the environmental crisis and our excessive consumerism by living more simply and sustainably in home, church, community, and the world. As creation care stewards, we educate and advocate for a healthier and more vibrant environment, now and for future generations. We sponsor film screenings with slow-food potlucks; coordinate a cathedral CSA delivery; organize workshops; work with Cathedral staff to “green” St. Paul’s; and organize involvement with events like Earth Day.