Psalm 23 for busy people

Aloha kakou [Hello/Love to us all]

In the “Taming the Wilderness: A Lenten Forum Series” forum facilitator Christine D’Amico mentioned that one of the limits that could keep us from God and Mission is time. After the forum I read to her a paraphrased Psalm 23 that was featured in a 2010 workshop at the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew in Honolulu. It is still timely:

Psalm 23 for Busy People
By Toki Miyashina

The Lord is my Pace Setter, I shall not rush,
He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals,
He provides me with images of stillness,
Which restore my serenity.
He leads me in ways of efficiency,
through calmness of mind; and his guidance is peace.
Even though I have a great many things to accomplish each day,
I will not fret, for his presence is here.
His timelessness, his all-importance will keep me in balance.
He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity,
by anointing my head with his oils of tranquility,
My cup of joyous energy overflows.
Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruit of my hours,
For I shall walk in the pace of my Lord,
and dwell in his house for ever.

Aloha Ke Akua [God is Love]
Nani Chang

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