The Sunday Sermon: Connecting with Prayer

A few years ago in another parish, we had a Vacation Bible School that was pretty awesome. One of the things we did in that week was an experiment. We took a balloon filled with air that was supposed to represent us- any one of us. The balloon looked really fun, especially when you have … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Prayer: the Church’s Banquet

What do the following things have in common? The church calendar. A speech at the Republican National Convention. Chapel chairs. The Lord’s Prayer in Spanish. The weather. Dvorak’s String Quartet number 11. The office hours for the veterinarian. The hospitalization of a cathedral member. They are all thoughts that scampered through my head during my … READ MORE…

Chaos and Order in Person

Writing on his Blog, Robert Glick tells us about chaos and order in person, and the help of a healing service. Recently, after being diagnosed with throat cancer, St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral held a hands-on prayer vigil in which friends and fellow church members prayed for me and my family. The event was moving to … READ MORE…

Psalm 23 for busy people

Aloha kakou [Hello/Love to us all] In the “Taming the Wilderness: A Lenten Forum Series” forum facilitator Christine D’Amico mentioned that one of the limits that could keep us from God and Mission is time. After the forum I read to her a paraphrased Psalm 23 that was featured in a 2010 workshop at the … READ MORE…