People’s Warden Reports on Chapter

A message from Judy Moore

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees as well as the Board of Directors of Saint Paul’s Senior Homes and Services. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the interests of the people of our congregation and as such I will continue to keep you up to date on what the Chapter is doing.

The Chapter is the Sole Member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Homes (SPEH) and as such approved two new members to their board, presented by Cheryl Wilson, Director. Cheryl also reported that SPEH now has two PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) facilities, one in Chula Vista and the other in downtown San Diego on Elm Street.

Chapter also convened as the Sole Member of the Nutmeg & Olive, LLC. Christine Spalding’s term as a member of the board is expiring. Her nomination for a new term was moved, seconded and approved. Kendall Squires, a member of the LLC Board, reported that the sale of the “empty lot” at 5th and Nutmeg will likely close in February 2014.

Dr. Bart Smoot and Helena Chan gave an update on the dean’s search which is nearing completion. All candidates have met with the executive staff and wardens as well as the full search team. Stay tuned!

Canon Chris Harris reported on the Stewardship thus far which has been going well. As of the Chapter meeting date, $955,000 had been pledged for 2014, and as an usher, I can vouch that additional pledges continue to be turned in!

Dr. Smoot briefed the Chapter on our financial status. Erin Sacco Pineda is overseeing the financial processes to ensure our finances are robust and sustainable. Erin has been engaged on a temporary basis as an independent contractor for this purpose. The Cathedral recently received a $75K bequest, and Chapter considered the best uses for that gift, consonant with the donor’s requests.

Stew Dadmun will receive a letter of appreciation for his loyal support and leadership of the Endowment Committee. The letter was reviewed and edited by the Interim Dean and our Dean’s Warden, and the final text was read to the Chapter and approved.

The Chapter Nominating Committee has selected the slate of candidates that will be considered at the Annual Meeting of the Cathedral on Sunday, January 19, 2014. Candidates will be announced in early January.

Nominees for delegates and alternatives to represent the Cathedral at the next Diocesan Convention were nominated and approved. They are Andrew Brooks, Guin Kerstetter, Mark Lester, Carolyn Lief, Donald Pellioni, Michael Pineda and Bart Smoot. The alternates include Christie Fleming, Chris Harris, Erin Sacco Pineda and Christine Spalding.

Our Dean’s Warden, Mark Lester, participated in most of the Stewardship open house events. Mark met with the Cathedral youth to discuss the Cathedral and its governance. The People’s Warden (c’est moi) continues to work with Colin Mathewson and the Spanish congregation. The El Latino advertisement was well received and we plan on doing another ad to promote the upcoming “Becoming an Episcopal” class.

The recent Godly Play instructor classes were well attended and a financial gift will enable the Godly Play classroom to be refurbished. Rebecca reported the Chapel restoration is near completion and will come significantly under budget. The Chapel will be dedicated on Sunday, December 15, after Evensong.

As always, I encourage you to talk to me during coffee hour after the 10:30pm or 1:00p.m. services or contact me at if you have any thoughts or concerns

Blessings and joy to each of you. Have a wonderful, healthy and safe holiday season and a very special Happy New Year.

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