From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:
The Episcopal News Service just published an article on the powerful statement that the House of Bishops issued at General Convention on our role as people of faith to address climate change and its impacts. The article says in part:
The House of Bishops issued a statement during the final day of the 80th General Convention naming the climate crisis as the overarching issue that affects all the other issues of social justice that convention has considered.
“Climate change and environmental degradation are manifestations of our turning away from God,” the statement reads. “The effects of this willful separation from God resonate across our collective lives: All areas of justice are either worsened or made better depending on the health of the planet.”
The statement, crafted by a group of about two dozen bishops and deputies, names environmental stewardship as “our first vocation, made explicit in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible,” and selfish abuse of creation as the first sin.
For the full article and the full Bishops’ statement, see the Episcopal News Service article.
Gracious God, we thank you for your love of all creation. We thank you for the Spirit working within our bishops as they amplify the connection between the health of your creation and the injustices that only intensify with its dis-ease. May their statement ignite our intention to work for the healing of Earth and your people. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.