As your new “People’s Warden” I was going to do a write up detailing who I am, my credentials, and the ministries I participate in at St. Paul’s. I felt this would give those who didn’t know me a chance to learn more about me and why it is a honor and a privilege to serve this community.
I decided not to waste your time with boring details, but give you (the congregation) an opportunity to let me know you better. You are the foundation, heart and soul of this cathedral and in order for me to serve you best it is important to understand your needs and expectations. Open communication along with trust and respect for one another is my guide both personally and professionally.
You can look for me on some Sunday’s after the 8am service by the greeter table, mingling with others in the courtyard, or headed to the forum. During the week there’s a huge possibility that I am on campus attending a meeting, setting up for an event, or doing some type of volunteer work.
We are a large cathedral with lots of people gathering here daily, it can be quite overwhelming for those not used to all the hustle and bustle. I never knew that so much goes on here until after I started to serve on different ministries and volunteer to help with projects in the facilities and operations department.
I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of you better during this year and thank you for trusting me to serve you. . Please feel free to contact me at chapter@stpaulcathedral.org (routes to my personal email) or my cell 619.840.2327. Any feedback, questions, joys, and concerns are always welcomed.
Blessings and Peace,
Jennifer Jow
People’s Warden and Outreach Chair