In Memory of The Rev. Canon Gerry Walcutt

Dear Friends in Christ,
It is with a sad and grateful heart that I tell you of The Reverend Canon Gerry Walcutt’s death. Gerry passed away quickly a day or so after our observance of Easter, a celebration in which he participated. Gerry was born in Ohio, raised as a Methodist, served during WWII, and came into the priesthood of the Episcopal Church in 1969.

Canon Walcutt was one of the great pastors of our region, not only offering the care of Christ directly to those in need but also training hundreds of future ministers in the art of pastoral care through his active and skillful involvement as a Clinical Pastoral Education supervisor. For forty-five years, he served as a pastor in various institutions, including churches, hospitals, prisons, hospices, medical centers, and chemical dependency units.

When he was made a canon of this cathedral, the dean at the time, John Chane, said this to Gerry: “Your honesty in matters pastoral, and your wisdom and skill in the care and the souls of God’s people, have endeared you to many, both here at Saint Paul’s Cathedral and beyond in the larger world. You have taken up your duties here at the cathedral as colleague, pastor, preacher, and teacher with a grace that affirms us all.”

We will miss Gerry terribly and we are blessed to have shared a part of his journey with him. There is a niche in our columbarium awaiting Gerry’s earthly remains and a mansion in heaven prepared for his soul. As plans develop for his memorial service we will share them with you; in the meantime, please hold Gerry’s family and friends in your prayers.

God’s peace,

(The Very Reverend) Scott Richardson, Dean

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5 thoughts on “In Memory of The Rev. Canon Gerry Walcutt”

  1. I learned how to wave the streamers under Gerry. It is so much to wave them, especially during Easter and on the Day of Pentecost.

    Truly, he was a wonderful man to know, and I will miss him very much.

    William Blakeslee

  2. Apropos of Bill's comment, I remember well when Gerry decided that the cathedral should have the streamers. He bought and paid for them, put them together and promptly used them for one of the big services (don't remember which one offhand). The point is this: Gerry was a quiet presence in our lives, but when he got fired up about something, he not only talked about it, he made it happen. I miss Gerry terribly.

    The Rev.Canon Joan Butler Ford

  3. Gerry made great Scottish oatmeal for the Celtic Spirituality Retreat a couple years ago for breakfast Saturday morning. He wanted no help and stirred huge pot loads until it was "Gerry perfect." Needless to say, we had a few leftovers. Gerry packaged every bit up, then took it home to his freezer. Wonder if it is gone yet!

    Loved you dearly, Gerry and we will celebrate your life in this community.

    Kris Hatch

  4. I, also, remember with great fondness Gerry's oatmeal for the Celtic spirituality workshop. It was the first oatmeal I'd ever been able to eat, and it was DELICIOUS. A life-changing experience for me, as I now make it for myself. After the conference, Jerry took the time to share Irish oatmeal tips with me at length. I think of him whenever I make—and enjoy—the dish.
    A seemingly trivial conversation nevertheless touched me deeply and enriched my life immensely—part of his rich legacy.

  5. To me, one memory will be Gerry circling on his special bike during the Gay Pride Parade. We didn't know him well, but that image of him in the panama hat with the big flag above will endure…


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