From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
Dean Penny’s sermon last Sunday certainly struck a chord among Simpler Living members: What one thing can we do to care for the world? In a secular sense, it’s reminiscent of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s sonnet, How do I love thee? let me count the ways, except with myriad options. And care for creation is only the tip of the iceberg!
Fast From Driving
This week Climate Stewards asks us to think about how our daily travel impacts the environment. How can we reduce our use of our cars? Can we plan ahead to walk, bike, or use public transportation to our destination? Combine our errands, into one car trip, or carpool with others? We can also advocate for more electric vehicle charging stations to increase the attractiveness of electric cars.
Our choices, along with advocating for legislative change, benefit the health of God’s good creation! For more information, https://www.climatestewards.org/