Guiding The Way

Aren’t you proud of our Episcopal church right now?  There’s so much at stake our courageous leaders are guiding us in speaking truth to power. One of the best ways to keep track of the current state of this beautiful country is through the work of The Episcopal Church’s (TEC) Office of Government Relations (OGR) by attending the virtual weekly updates – the number of attendees across the nation doubled last week – or accessing their website. From the interplay of our houses of government to domestic and world impacts, the OGR staff is honest, knowledgeable and compassionate.

Here are some helpful resources shared last week:

Prayer: Gracious God, Creator of all, we seem to seek you more often in times of trouble.  Hold us in these dark days, then gather us as community and hope: as loving members of the body of your son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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