Most of us know plenty about climate change and sometimes all the mounting evidence—extreme weather events, melting polar caps, fires across the West—and the lack of major government action can be depressing. However, these events and the discussion they are engendering (Mike Bloomberg’s “It’s the climate, stupid!” comes readily to mind) are having a real impact on people’s attitudes.
Approximately 70% of Americans now believe that climate change is real and over 50% believe that it is man-made. Compared with climate scientists, where the number is 97% for both questions, this is disappointing, but I still think we are in the middle of a sea change on climate that can lead to substantive changes in addressing it.
For that reason, Simpler Living decided to focus on climate change this Creation Care Sunday, April 14—we’re calling it Creating a Climate of Hope! The day will focus on solutions to climate change and what each of us can do to move these solutions forward.
The Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m. in the Guild Room will feature Dr. Michael Boudrias, Chair of Marine Science and Environmental Studies at University of San Diego and renewable energy expert Bill Powers discussing the science of climate change and positive steps to mitigate it locally and worldwide.
Michael and Bill are both major figures in San Diego’s environmental scene, so the forum is not to be missed! And, of course, the 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. services and our religious education classes will celebrate God’s creation and His call to build lives that sustain and renew it.
Hope leads to action and the time for action is NOW! Please join us!!