Looking for the Thanksgiving post? CLICK HERE (Sorry, we made a mistake)

This closing convening of the Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop’s delegation to COP26 will gather Episcopal climate justice leaders and our partners tomorrow, to set a course for the way people can use faith and love to work towards climate and global healing after COP. Delegates will offer reports from their witness at the conference, as well as top line summaries from the negotiations. We will finish with a faith-led vision of the future for Episcopal advocacy around climate change. Join us on Zoom!
Friday, November 12, at 14:00 EST / 19:00 GMT, SIGN UP HERE
For further inspiration, here is Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s recent powerful sermon at the November 6th Liturgy for Planetary Crisis: Episcopal Worship Service during #COP26, CLICK HERE
To read our EDSD Convention resolution in its entirety, CLICK HERE
Please add the beautiful, all encompassing respect for All living beings,
Native American Thanks Giving pledge –
next week (since it was unfortunately somehow truncated in this week’s article)