The Ash Wednesday Sermon: Two Lenten Truths

Holy God, You only are immortal, the creator and maker of mankind; and we are mortal, formed of the earth, and to earth shall we return. For so did you ordain when you created us, saying, “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” All of us go down to the dust; yet even … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Be Transfigured

When I worked at the children’s hospital, one of the most difficult tasks children and their parents encountered was physical rehab. Oftentimes, the kids would have come in to the hospital from a car wreck, or from a long-planned surgery, or some other big life event. And just when they were starting to feel human … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Holy God, Holy People

 Let’s start by acknowledging how hard this is. Matthew Chapters 5-7. The Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes. It all sounds so harmless, so poetic. Lovely titles for impossible demands. This long series of Jesus’ teachings, from which our Gospel readings have come for the last four weeks, starts with paradox – blessed are the … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Power, Reconciliation, Resistance

Let’s talk about power. Let me give you two images: the beheading of John the Baptist is the first. The second is the feeding of the thousands in Jesus’ ministry. Somehow, this world does not doubt the former. Sometimes it is wielded by Herod, sometimes by Pharaoh, others by Caesar- the rulers of this world … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Earn your Salt

This week I celebrated the 19th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. I posted something on Facebook, as one does, and received lots of loving and positive messages. It reminded me, not that I needed reminding, of what a joy and a privilege it is to serve as a priest, and especially to serve … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Get out of the boat

My brother, who lives on the west coast of Scotland, has a boat. He has sailed for years and even taught sailing for a while. Whenever I go to visit him I love going out for a sail with him. Sometimes we sail over to the Isle of Cumbrae, a small island whose distinguishing feature … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: remember who you are made to be

Today we will bless the bees, so I thought it only fitting to start by telling the story from a movie about bees. The Bee Movie was a kids movie from 2007, an animated movie about a bee named Barry. Bee life, according to this movie, was monotonous. Most of the bees loved it. It … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Ministry in Public

Matthew’s story of the baptism of Jesus has some unique quirks. For example it’s the only version that has John and Jesus having a conversation. Even though Matthew has said nothing about them being cousins – that’s Luke’s story – John clearly recognizes Jesus as someone sent from God, someone who is better equipped than … READ MORE…

The Christmas Eve Sermon: Do not be afraid

Christmas Eve, 2014 St. Paul’s Cathedral San Diego, California Isaiah 9: 2-7 Luke 2: 1-14 Come Holy Spirit: Touch our minds and think with them, touch our lips and speak with them and touch our hearts and set them on fire with love for you. AMEN. I. I had another sermon written for tonight. I … READ MORE…

The Christmas Sermon: The Light Shines in the Darkness

Alleluia, unto us a child is born. Come, let us adore him. “In the beginning was the Word”.This morning’s reading from John’s Gospel transports us to the realm of the transcendent, the mystical. It stands in contrast to the vivid, real-world story-telling of Luke, that we heard last night, with the manger and the shepherds. … READ MORE…