The Sunday Sermon: Wrestling with the Golden Rule

Reading today’s lesson from Genesis is like coming across a long-running soap opera for the first time when the final episode is airing. If you’ve never sat down to read the whole story of Joseph, you have missed out on the oldest novella known to humanity. Starting in chapter 37 of Genesis with the story … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Nextdoor Post

Dear St. Paul’s family, After the City Council vote on January 28 to approve our construction project, there was a long series of posts on the neighborhood social media site NextDoor. With input from our consultants, I crafted this letter and posted it to correct some of the misperceptions. You might find it useful in … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Alter Guild

Dear St. Paul’s family, From time to time I want to share with you what some of our lay ministers do behind the scenes. As you know, over 300 people donate time and talent to the many ministries of the cathedral. Some ministries are more visible than others, but every ministry is valuable. Here is … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Called into the Deep

In the midst of splendid worship Isaiah cries out, “Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips.” Paul writes that he is unfit to be called an apostle. Simon Peter shrinks back from Jesus, stammering about his own sinfulness. Today’s Scripture conspires to convince us that the call to ministry is no … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Words of our worship – Laying the table

Dear St. Paul’s family, Here’s another in our occasional series of “Words of our Worship”. This one is about Laying the Table. When we lay the table for a dinner party we are careful to include the right forks, knives, condiments, place mats and dishes. The same goes for setting the altar for the sacrament … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Where will you go from here?

What is Jesus talking about in today’s gospel? Why is everyone getting so angry? What are these Nazarenes so upset about? In order to get the whole picture of what Jesus is proclaiming in this week’s gospel we need to remember the whole story, which began in last week’s gospel. Not only that, but we … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Annual Meeting Report

Dear St. Paul’s family, Last Sunday we celebrated our annual Cathedral Day with several special events, some planned and some surprises. It seems fitting that on a day when I preached about letting go of expectations and allowing the Holy Spirit to be messy, that we encountered noisy technical difficulties, a disruptive visitor, and a … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Now you are the body of Christ

For about a decade my sons spent time each summer at an Episcopal camp in the Shenandoah Valley. It was an old-fashioned rural camp with rustic cabins each sleeping 10 kids plus a counselor, separate bathroom huts, lots of outdoor activities, and daily worship. The closing worship was always the same. We parents gathered on … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Music Endowment Launch

Dear St. Paul’s family, We have wonderful news to share with you. Thanks to the generosity of two current parishioners (who prefer not to be publicly acknowledged) and one deceased parishioner, Mary McBride, we are announcing the launch of the St. Paul’s Cathedral Music Endowment. This fund will be invested with our other funds through … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Racism, hospitality, and joy

This week I came across an article about the psychological causes of racism, which lead me down many rabbit trails as I avoided writing this sermon. I found many studies on the relationship between human psychology and the effort to determine the relationship between our anthropology, our psychology, and our choices in making racist and … READ MORE…