The Sunday Sermon: The Unknown God
Have you heard the one about the extraterrestrial visitor who landed in one of our cities? They saw the shopping malls crowded and the churches empty and reported back to the mother ship that the shopping malls housed the object of worship for our species. Well, today both the malls and the churches are empty, … READ MORE…
Dean Letter: Already and Not Yet
Dear St. Paul’s family, We are hearing a lot about plans to restart the economy and relax stay-home orders, while public health experts warn us that the pandemic still has a long way to run. The mixture of messages is confusing; I find myself longing for a single message: just tell us what to do! … READ MORE…
Dean Letter: Office Canticles
Dear St. Paul’s family, The current crisis has had the effect of taking us back to the Anglican tradition of Morning Prayer, not only on weekdays but also on Sunday mornings while we are unable to offer Communion. Those who have joined the Episcopal Church in the last 40 years may find the Morning Prayer … READ MORE…
The Sunday Sermon: The Shepherd’s Way
Alleluia. Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Is there any text more comforting than the 23rd Psalm? The certainty of that first verse never fails to encourage me: the Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not be in want. I want the kind of faith that can say that and believe it … READ MORE…
Family Ministry Programming During COVID-19
Dear St. Paul’s Family, Like others, our Family Ministry has had to adapt and create new ways to provide resources for families to stay connected and engaged in faith formation at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whereas we emphasize the faith formation of households with children, the name “Family Ministry” encompasses families with children and … READ MORE…
The Sunday Sermon: walking towards the light
Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia! Today is the third Sunday in these 50 days of Easter. By now, if you’ve been attending worship, you have heard Matthew’s story of how the risen Christ appeared to the two Marys; you’ve heard John’s story of how Mary Magdalene mistook the risen Savior … READ MORE…
The Sunday Sermon: pursued by Jesus (Apr 19)
The gospel for this morning hits close to home. The disciples are closed up in a house behind closed doors, fearful. They were fearful of those who had killed Jesus, and it calls to mind our own situation as we sit behind locked doors afraid, or at least anxious, of COVID-19, the virus that has … READ MORE…
Dean Letter: Zoom Security
Dear St. Paul’s family, In Easter season we rejoice to know that we are a people forgiven and deeply loved. For that reason, the general confession that we routinely say in our daily prayers at in Sunday services is optional. But it’s painfully evident that sin still abounds in our world, and one way that … READ MORE…
Construction updates April 22
Rocky Update: Courtyard stairs are done. Kathleen will share photo with Tom. Handrails for it being fabricated Chairlift installer comes out again to inspect new housing and will then work out installation schedule, which will likely be a month out. Bids just shared for courtyard cement spruce-up via Brad to Tom. Tom will share with … READ MORE…