Dean Letter: Invitation to Pledge

Hello St. Paul’s, This week we launch our 2021 pledge campaign. The Church was built to stand strong in a time such as this: a time when the world is in turmoil, when disease ravages the land, when political tensions divide us from each other, when questions of race, justice, and equity swirl. The light … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Easy Yoke of Love

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

St. Francis Day, October 4, 2020 Penelope Bridges The Easy Yoke of Love “Come to me, all who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” This is the promise that Jesus makes to the disciples of John the Baptist, after John has been arrested. They are carrying a heavy … READ MORE…

Live Conversation with The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry

Thursday October 8, 4:00 pm Presiding Bishop Curry will offer a soul-searching conversation one which tells and shows us how loving one another can help us to heal in these times. Walk the path of love with one of the warmest, most beloved spiritual leaders of our time as we learn how to put faith into … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Taking Action

Jeff Martinhauk preaching at pulpit

The Rev. Canon Jeff Martinhauk Proper 21A, September 27, 2020 St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego Matt 21:23-32; Phil 2:1-13  As our passage today opens, a lot of time has passed since last week’s readings. Jesus has made his way to Jerusalem and is in the temple for a second day after a very full news cycle on the first day. His … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Lemons & Lemonade

Hello St Paul’s, It’s an understatement to say that we are living in anxious times. I’m sure that like me, you could really use some good news. A couple of weeks ago I was in a sort of COVID slump, feeling quite low about the state of the world, including national politics, the pandemic, the … READ MORE…

National Voter Registration Day, Sept. 22

This day Is to share and educate Americans how to register to vote,  sign up for election reminders, request mail in ballots and learn about early voting options.  Find resources on our “Get out the Vote” page. View the Resources HERE

The Sunday Sermon: The Unfair Love of God

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Penelope Bridges  In the name of the holy Trinity, one God.  If you happened to view my weekly video on Thursday, you will have some idea of where we are in the story of Jonah when we pick it up in today’s reading. But in case you haven’t yet seen the video, allow me to … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Jonah

Hello St. Paul’s, This weekend one of our Sunday readings will come from the book of Jonah. We will hear the end of the story. It’s the only time in our three-year cycle of readings that we hear from Jonah, and it’s one of my favorite books of the Bible, telling the story of one … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Honoring our rituals

Hello St. Paul’s. I recently started to watch the West Wing series from the beginning. It brings up all kinds of feelings, in part because of the contrast between that White House and the current one, but also because I lived just outside Washington DC for 17 years and many of the exterior shots awaken … READ MORE…