Play Reading: The Audience (3/20)

Saturday, March 20, 1 pm, Via Zoom The St. Paul’s Cathedral Zoom Players presents its next reading, Peter Morgan’s contemporary play, “The Audience”, on Saturday, March 20 at 1 pm PST. Starring Queen Elizabeth II, “The Audience” chronicles her weekly meetings with a parade of Prime Ministers who have served the British government during her reign. … READ MORE…

COVID Resources

Looking for additional resources related to COVID? The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations has put together an entire page of resource, complete with reasons why you should get vaccinated, rollout plans, a message from Bishop Curry and more. Click Here to visit the page

Inviting Nominations for Diocesan Delegates

Each November leaders of our diocese come together for our annual convention. If the convention, on November 5 and 6, is held in person this year, it will take place at St. Bartholomew’s in Poway. Chapter elects lay delegates at its March meeting, which is next week. If you would like to be nominated for election … READ MORE…

Women Together: Gendered Journeys: Women’s Experience of Migration

Oliva Espin

Thursday, March 4, 6 pm, Via ZoomSpeaker: Oliva M. Espin, PhDIs the experience of migration different for women and men? What is the impact of intersections of gender, race, class, ethnicity, education, and sexual orientation on the experience of migration for women?   Please RSVP by March 1: CLICK HERE to RSVP

Stephen Ministry Continuing Education (This Saturday)

Saturday, February 27, 10 am, Via Zoom Our Stephen Ministers invite you to their continuing education session on February 27 at 10 am. This month’s program will feature the Dean leading a conversation about maintaining relationships across difference and disagreement. All are welcome. CLICK HERE to join the Zoom meeting

Simpler Living Goal for Lent

A few years ago Simpler Living adopted some goals for our community life as a committee. We thought we could share them with you, along with a thought about using it for a Lenten Practice. For the week of February 25: Goal number 1: Be Christ to one another – Love, Respect, Serve, Share. As we … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Interview with Dean Jim

Hello St. Paul’s, Many of you know our beloved first cathedral dean, the Very Rev. James E. Carroll. Jim is part of our congregational history, and still going strong in his 90’s. I was looking forward to interviewing him this week via Zoom, but unfortunately technical issues ensued. However, luckily for us, Jim’s son John … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Wilderness Time

February 21, 2021Penelope Bridges “The time is fulfilled: repent and believe in the good news.” With these words the Jesus of Mark’s Gospel gets down to business. Perhaps good news and repentance don’t necessarily go together in your mind, but as we settle into this Lenten season, the invitation to repent and believe is indeed … READ MORE…