The Sunday Sermon: You are Witnesses of These Things

Sermon from April 18, 2021“You are Witnesses of These Things”Penelope Bridges Each of our Scripture stories today, from Acts and from Luke’s Gospel, starts in the middle of a longer story. Our reading from Acts starts with “why do you wonder at this?” What is this? Let’s go back to the beginning of the chapter. … READ MORE…

Questions from the First Sunday Survey (with answers)

Those who attended the first in-person Sunday service on April 11 were invited to take a brief survey. 49 people responded, and several questions were raised. Why do we have to wait until Thursday to register? Staff judgment was that three days should be long enough for people to register, and a short lead time … READ MORE…

St. George’s Virtual Tea Time is around the corner!

Tea time will be Sunday, May 2, 6 pm, Via Zoom (Right after the Evensong)Get out your fancy hats, tea sets and start baking bread because St. George’s day is right around the corner! Join us for a reception on Zoom after the Evensong service where we will have a contest for best hat (male and … READ MORE…

Registration for In-Person Morning Prayer & Eucharist

Registration is now open for our In-person morning prayer and Eucharist this Sunday (April 25 at 10:30 am). We will start in the Great Hall, watch the first half of the streamed morning prayer service, and then process to the Nave for the Eucharistic portion of the service. Please bring your smartphone or tablet, for … READ MORE…

Get involved with Creation Care!

Looking for ways to get involved with creation care? Simpler Living has put together this incredible list of events, activities and information just for you! Check out the list here (CLICK HERE)!

Dean Letter: Earth Day

Hello St. Paul’s, Happy Earth Day! As people of faith we are called to be good stewards of God’s creation. Our Presiding Bishop recently said, “The work of helping to save God’s world is not a secular endeavor.  It is the sacred work of God. For God so loved the world, and we who follow … READ MORE…

Registration for In-Person Morning Prayer & Eucharist

Registration is now open for our In-person morning prayer and Eucharist this Sunday (April 18 at 10:30 am). We will start in the Great Hall, watch the first half of the streamed morning prayer service, and then process to the Nave for the Eucharistic portion of the service. Please bring your smartphone or tablet, for … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: After Sacred Ground

Hello St. Paul’s, A little over a year ago we embarked on a communal journey to educate ourselves about the scourge of racism and its enduring effect on the people and institutions of the United States. Over 100 people signed up for the Lenten study based on “Waking Up White” by Debby Irving. Seeing how … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Easter Two

The Rev.Cn. Jeff MartinhaukEaster 2B, April 11, 2021St. Paul’s Cathedral, San DiegoActs 4:32-35; John 20:19-31 I just re-read an article from the beginning of our Sacred Ground journey.  Way back in session two, for those of you who are in our anti-racism groups, we read an article by David Dean called “Roots Deeper than Whiteness.”  … READ MORE…

RSVP’s for In-Person Worship are open!

Registration is now open for in-person worship this Sunday (April 11th at 10:30 am). We will start in the Great Hall, watch the first half of the streamed morning prayer service, and then process to the Nave for the Eucharistic portion of the service. Please bring your smartphone or tablet, for access to the order … READ MORE…