The Sunday Sermon: Keep Calm & Carry On

May 16, 2021 Penelope Bridges Keep Calm and Carry On One of the miracles of modern science is the ability to correct problems with our vision. I am very near-sighted, and as I’ve grown older my lens prescription has become more complicated. These days I wear a different contact lens prescription in each eye, lens … READ MORE…

Pews Available for Sale!

St. Paul’s Cathedral has made the decision to switch over from pews to chairs.  So if you are in the market for a pew you are in the right place, as we are selling them off!  Available pews: “Regular pews” 7’6” ($300) – These were located in the north and south aisles “Large pews” up to 14’ ($300-500) … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Cathedral Ministries Continued

Hello St. Paul’s, I hope you have seen my special update on regathering: it was published yesterday and has lots of details about what to expect this Sunday as we return to a full Communion service in the church. As you may know, there are over 70 Cathedral ministries and groups, and this week I’m … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Sixth Sunday of Easter

Jeff Martinhauk preaching at pulpit

The Rev.Cn. Jeff MartinhaukEaster 6B, May 9, 2021St. Paul’s Cathedral, San DiegoJohn 15:9-17 I’m currently enrolled in a leadership class at the University of San Diego.  It follows the curriculum of one of my heroes, doctor of Social Work and shame researcher Brene Brown.  She has taken her research into shame, vulnerability, courage, and connection … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Altar Guild (Interview with Konnie Dadmun)

Hello, St. Paul’s. This week my letter is about our wonderful altar guild. This is a transcript of a conversation I had with Konnie Dadmun. Penny:        I’m speaking with our longtime cannon sacristan and head of all things altar guild. Konnie Dadmun. Konnie, would you please start our conversation by introducing yourself? Konnie:       Yes, I’m … READ MORE…

Treasurer’s Report

We are emerging cautiously from a global pandemic and activity on the Cathedral campus is slowly resuming.  I am grateful for our wonderful staff and volunteers who found new ways to connect and lead the community this past year and to the congregation who continued to faithfully support the Cathedral’s ministries.  A summary of the … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: I am the Vine, You are the Branches

Dean penny bridges preaching at pulpit

Penelope Bridges, Sermon from May 2, 2021 The theology in John’s Gospel sometimes feels uncomfortably exclusive. Cut off the dead branches! Throw them in the fire! This is language for a very different faith tradition than ours, for a Christian community in a very different historical context. But when we read of God the gardener, … READ MORE…

Registration for In-Person Morning Prayer & Eucharist

Registration is now open for our In-person morning prayer and Eucharist this Sunday (April 25 at 10:30 am). We will start in the Great Hall, watch the first half of the streamed morning prayer service, and then process to the Nave for the Eucharistic portion of the service. Please bring your smartphone or tablet, for … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Cathedral Ministries

Hello St. Paul’s, This week I’m addressing questions posed by members of the daily Morning Prayer congregation. The group includes some people who have joined St. Paul’s since the pandemic, so they are curious about the ministries listed in our literature. Maybe you too are curious, so here’s a brief description of some of them. … READ MORE…