Dean Letter: The Regathering Task Force

This is a transcript of a conversation between the Dean and Wardens about the work of Pandemic Regathering Task Force. Justin joined us from his car, parked somewhere in Utah, and at one point we unfortunately lost his audio. Penny: Hello St. Paul’s. Today I’m having a conversation with our two wardens. They are, if … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Seeds of Love

Jeff Martinhauk preaching at pulpit

The Rev. Cn. Jeff Martinhauk Proper 6B, June 13, 2021 My last parish included the opportunity to work with an Episcopal Day School.  Each year, in the spring, the preschoolers would undertake a project that seemed so simple but still mystifies me. They would take seeds– strawberry seeds I think– and put them in small … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Sacred Ground in Action

Penny: Hello, St. Paul’s. This week, I’m having a conversation with Robbie Ewell, who has been one of the leaders in our Sacred Ground efforts this year. And I’m going to start by asking Robbie to introduce himself. Robbie Thank you, Penny. Well, my name is Robbie Ewell; my wife and I actually joined the … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Power & the Glory

June 6, 2021 Penelope Bridges The Power and the Glory Think of a favorite TV show, something you look forward to each week or whenever a new season drops. Think about how you feel when that new material arrives and how you anticipate getting back into that world with familiar characters, whether you love them … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Phishing and Other Annoyances

Hello St. Paul’s, Recently, many of you received an email purporting to be from me and asking for a favor. This was only the latest in a seemingly never-ending series of fraudulent emails. Several of you were kind enough to let me know of the email, so I was able to post a notice on … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Wisdom of the Trinity

May 30, 2021 Maya Little-Saña The last time I preached on Trinity Sunday, I think I was 17 years old and I assumed the Herculean task of trying to explain the Trinity in 9 minutes or less, and pretty sure I committed heresy in four.  So I have learned that this is not the day … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Plugged In – The Power of Pentecost

Plugged In: The Power of PentecostBy Canon Christian GilletteCanon for Evangelism and Discipleship, EDSDService on May 23, 2021 What Is Power?             Power is an interesting thing.  Power is something that in some ways, we possess, and in other ways we lack. It’s something we need in order to live, and something that at times … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Outreach Ministries

Penny:  Hello St. Paul’s. This week I’m talking with Jen Jow, the coordinator of our Outreach Ministries. The Outreach area involves several activities, including Showers of Blessings. You’ve probably heard about the possibility of us constructing an outreach center underneath the chapel as part of a capital project. I am going to focus more narrowly … READ MORE…

Adult Formation Survey Coming on Monday (May 24)

Help the formation committee serve you! On Monday (May 24) we will send out an email to everyone who receives the Thursday weekly ebulletin with a survey about formation. Please be sure to fill this out so we can better serve your interests!  If you do not receive our weekly email you can sign up … READ MORE…