The Sunday Sermon: Blessing and Pressing for Change

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego2/13/2022           There is an immediacy to this gospel that extends from the promise of God’s love into our present moment. It penetrates the mundane with a pronouncement that defies what we perceive to the be the “natural order of things.” Jesus is upending what we consider normal, it … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Episcopal Governance

Hello St. Paul’s, Last weekend we held our annual Chapter retreat, where we oriented new members and started to create a functioning community of leaders for the year ahead. A question raised during the day reminded me that there are plenty of people at St. Paul’s who may not be fluent in our Episcopal jargon, … READ MORE…

Honoring Black History Month in February

From our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Committee Madam C. J. Walker (1867-1919) was “the first Black woman millionaire in America” and made her fortune thanks to her homemade line of hair care products for Black women. Born Sarah Breedlove on December 23, 1867. Her parents, Owen and Minerva, were Louisiana sharecroppers who had been born into slavery. Sarah, their fifth … READ MORE…

Another Way to Advocate for God’s Creation, Prayer, and Save the Date!

From our Simpler Living Committee  An educational opportunity from Creation Justice Ministries: Over the last year, Congress has considered legislation that would build climate resilience in God’s people and planet. But what is the difference between the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package and the Build Back Better Act? What has Congress already done and what do we still … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Chancel Remodel

Hello St. Paul’s, I want to give you an update on the chancel remodeling project, as it’s been in the works for a long time, and I’m sure you are wondering what has happened to it. The chancel, for those who aren’t familiar with Episcopal jargon, is the portion of the church that acts like … READ MORE…

Looking forward to Spring

From our Simpler Living Committee As we move through winter, and start to think spring, here’s a creative idea to get your gardening juices moving. Interfaith Power and Light (a Creation Care partner of St. Paul’s Cathedral) has put together a Pizza Garden Seed Kit. Included are heirloom seeds of tomatoes, onions, peppers, and herbs.  There’s nothing like tending … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: The Power of Prophets and the Nameless

Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.St. Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego1/30/2022 ‘Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’ When I try to put my feet into the shoes of someone listening to Jesus when he said this at the synagogue, I imagine it is an utterly baffling statement. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus is a known quantity … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Event Booking Software

The Dean recently sat down with our Communications Coordinator, Wayne Riehm, to hear about the new calendar system we are launching for the cathedral community. This is a transcript of their conversation. Penny:             Hello St. Paul’s. Today I’m talking with our communications coordinator, Wayne Riehm. Wayne:            Hi there. Good to see you. Penny:             Wayne has … READ MORE…

Hope Through Faith and Love

From our Simpler Living Ministry It’s quite an understatement to say that many of us are overwhelmed by what’s happening both in and outside the United States:  from health concerns and economic woes, climate fears and rumors of war; all resulting in plain exhaustion.   Two offerings from The Book of Common Prayer may begin to bring … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: One Body/Un Solo Cuerpo

January 23, 2022, 3, Epiphany, Cathedral DayPenelope BridgesOne Body/Un Solo Cuerpo For seven or eight summers, my sons attended an Episcopal sleepaway camp in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Each year I made the trip twice to drop each child off at his age-appropriate camp. At the end of each camp session, we parents would … READ MORE…