Important Update About Volunteer Requirements (Corrected Sept. 1)

CORRECTION: Previous versions of this post incorrectly stated that the adoption of “Safe Church, Safe Communities” “render all previous Safeguard training invalid, even if it was completed less than five years ago”. This is not accurate. If you have completed “Safeguarding God’s People” training within the past five years, you must complete the new modules … READ MORE…

Another Way: Restorative Justice

From our Sacred Ground in Action ministry Often we get so used to what we know that we have difficulty imagining what can be.  This article is a valuable reminder to use our discernment and imagination as we strive to follow Jesus on the healing path leading to beloved community. “A wide range of justice-focused nonprofits, legal advocates, … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Parking Garage

*(See edit below for Sunday Parking) Hello St. Paul’s, This month we are entering into a contract with LAZ parking to manage our parking spaces in the garage under 525 Olive. As you may know, we now have about 70 spaces dedicated to the Cathedral on levels B1 and B2. Some of these spaces will … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Rich Towards God?

July 31, 2022Penelope Bridges If you were here last week you might remember that the reading from the prophet Hosea was quite startling, with its description of an unfaithful wife, and children named for God’s punishment of an unfaithful nation. Today’s reading provides some balance, with its beautiful parental imagery and the declaration that God … READ MORE…

Social Justice Resolutions at 2022 General Convention

From our Cathedral Sacred Ground in Action Anti-Racism MinistryAt this year’s General Convention, a number of social justice resolutions passed. Among them was C072, a Land Acknowledgment resolution encouraging each Diocese “to begin dialogue with representatives from those Indigenous peoples whose ancestral and territorial homelands its churches and buildings now occupy to collaborate in the development … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Creativity & Faithfulness

7/24/2022Rev. Richard Hogue Jr.             Good morning, and a happy Comic-Con Sunday to you all! When I think of Comic-Con, I think of epic franchises, from those of Disney, to Adult Swim cartoons, Anime subcultures, gaming, and anything under the sun that offers people temporary escape or freedom of imagination. It is a veritable celebration … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Comic-Con Sunday

Hello St. Paul’s, Did you know that playfulness is a quality reserved by nature for mammals? The more primitive brain of a reptile or fish lacks the components that allow play and humor. Maybe that’s why dinosaurs always seem to be deadly serious in the movies. The ability to be playful is a sign that … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: The Library

Hello St. Paul’s, This week I want to update you on our plans for the Cathedral Library. The what? I hear you say: yes, we have long had a Cathedral Library, but it has been chronically underused, and we have limited space for it in the new building, so we have been forced to think … READ MORE…

Protecting Coastal Communities

From our Simpler Living Creation Care ministry Advocate:As we enjoy the beaches and ocean beauty this summer, we should be mindful of the threat just off our shores.  The League of Conservation Voters is providing this opportunity to sign up to advocate against offshore drilling (Click Here). If Big Polluters get their way, oil companies … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Planning for our Future

Hello St. Paul’s, You may already know that nearly 10% of the operating income of St. Paul’s Cathedral comes from invested funds, rather than from current pledges and gifts. The vast bulk of those funds have come to us through the planned giving of parishioners in past times: they remembered the Cathedral in their estate … READ MORE…