Letter from Maya: Farewell

Dear St. Paul’s Family, As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is filled with both sadness and gratitude. After six incredible years, it is with a heavy heart that I must say goodbye (for now) to a community that has been my spiritual home for nearly nine years and my place of … READ MORE…

Letter From Lucero: Family Ministry

The family ministry has been a space where our kids have learned about the word of Christ and has also been a door for my husband and I to engage in the broader church life.  I know that this is also true for other parents in the family ministry, as some of us are now serving … READ MORE…

Embracing Black Earth Wisdom

“If our species is to survive, we have roughly one generation to collectively remember and honor the familial covenant of moderation and cooperation that we signed with all beings at the dawn of time,” according to Leah Penniman, author of Murmurations: Embracing Black Earth Wisdom. To learn more about recognizing Earth as teacher, text, and kin, visit Yesmagazine.org. Prayer:Gracious … READ MORE…

Opening Our Eyes to Diversity

From Our Sacred Ground in Action (SGIA) Ministry Here are two ways that we might deepen our engagement with ideas that can lead to action: Action One:On Saturday morning, May 13, several Contemplative Outreach Chapters are sponsoring Ubuntu and Contemplation: How an Indigenous African Philosophy Maps Our Spiritual Path to Global Community with author Michael Battle. He writes: “By educating participants … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Embracing the Risk of Love

Maya Little-SañaJune 30, 2023 What I love about the array of scripture offered to us on this Good Shepherd Sunday is that it offers a mosaic view of the life that Jesus calls us to live. They’re small images, little vignettes that, compiled, present a beautiful yet troubling image of what following Jesus looks like.  … READ MORE…

Letter from Jairus: First Quarter Stewardship Report

Dear St. Paul’s Parishioners, My name is Jairus Kleinert, and I am honored to serve currently as the chairperson of the Cathedral’s Stewardship Committee. In this Easter season, I have been reflecting on stewardship as an expression of our Christian hope. As the resurrection dramatically demonstrated the power of God’s love to overcome sin and … READ MORE…

The Sunday Sermon: Be Known to Us

April 23, 2023 The Third Sunday of EasterPenelope Bridges Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia. Today is a tangle of themes and emotions. It’s Easter season:  we rejoice to know ourselves redeemed and forgiven. It’s Creation Care Sunday at St. Paul’s: we acknowledge our sinful abuse of the earth and its … READ MORE…

Earth Month Offerings 2023

Happy Earth Month! Now’s the time to learn more about our Simpler Living ministry at the Cathedral! Many hands make lighter work in caring for God’s good creation. Go to the Cathedral’s Calendar Page for the Zoom link for our next meeting on Tuesday, 4/25 at 6:45 pm: stpaulcathedral.org/calendar Meanwhile enjoy a Creation Care focused … READ MORE…

Dean’s Letter: Sabbatical Plans 2023

Hello St. Paul’s, As you know, I will begin my time away on Wednesday, April 26, when I go to Washington DC for the North American Deans’ Conference. My sabbatical leave starts immediately after the conference ends on April 30, and I will return to work on July 5. I am both excited and apprehensive … READ MORE…

SGIA: Sowing Seeds of Justice

From St. Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action Ministry (SGIA) At last week’s Good Friday Stations of the Cross at Border Church, the terrible impact of US immigration policies was evident. Although migrants shared stories of fear, discouragement, and sadness, hope was evidenced by accounts of perseverance and determination. One symbol of that hope was the Binational … READ MORE…